This is a tool I am developing from a couple of years ago as an independent project for testing a restfull api I was developing.
Well, I used and extended this tool in a couple of project, and I was so good, I decide to share and continue its develop in public and free way.
This is the last state, soon I will change the name and enhance the tool and its api, and add the tool to npm.
flashRoutingTests is a node module loadable via npm, for http routing testing.
- This repository have the flashRoutingTests's sources, plus a sample of use in the sample subfolder, that you can use for begin your own tests.
- You can use this module how is shown in the main.js inside the sample folder ( your work folder ).
- In your package json, you can declare the flashRoutingTest dependency as "flashroutingtests": "0.1.0"
- You must provide a (tests/demoGoogleTests in this sample ) folder inside your work folder, and inside it, a batteries folder for the batteries of http calls configuration, and a config.js as a global configuration, where you specify the http root calls, some optional mocha params, etc.
- the test are triggered with this command line in your workfolder: node main.js -b "tests/demoGoogleTests" ( -b means battery )
The engine will load your config file and the batteries configurations inside the batteries folder.
Note: If you have an EACCES during the installation on Linux, try this: sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local ( Extracted from : )
In the sample there are all general configs used by the engine. As a recommendation, add your custom configs in the custom property. In the sample we put a apicall execution times as example. ( See below config.js file example and its description )
The batteries allow you define apicalls sufixes, documentation properties like name or description, hooks, like bodyCheck or httpTimesChecks, etc. ( See below battery file example and its description )
If npm install don't work because yo can't set the git credentials, you can put the flashRoutingTest folder module manually inside the node_modules folder or elsewhere. And in main.js import the module with flashRoutingTests = require( [rootToflashRoutingTestsindex.js] )
With the global installer, you may do this: go to the folder where you wants the test project type: frtest -h and see the help If you haven't got a project, type: frtest install -d myTestProject -m -d means destination and -m means multi ( try the different alternatives ) This create a project sample inside myTestProject from which you may start. Then inside your project you can type: frtest run or frtest run -b battery1
'use strict';
skip = 'skip',//value you may use in runTweaks for skip a battery file.
only = 'only',//value you may use in runTweaks for run only a espefied battery file.
none = '',
configs = {
errorStackDepth: 2, //gives you control over the errors stack depth. Is optional, and its default is 1.
//before: function ( done ) {}, hook that is called at the begin, you can trigger a login for example
//after: function ( done ) {}, hook that is called at the end, you can send the report to a server for example.
after: function ( done ) {// A hook that is called after end the tests
console.log( 'ApiCallTimes:', JSON.stringify( this.custom.apiCallTimes, null, ' ' ) );
mochaConfigs: {// Configs forwarded to mocha.js
reporter: 'spec',
slow: 100,
timeout: 30000
testsFolder : __dirname, // An automatic way to say where is this battery
routesConf: {
root: '' // The engine expect these for make the http request.
dumpTextTo: dumps,//optional folder where a response dump will be done.
redirects: 0,// Is set, is used to define how many redirects to do, If you need to analyze 30x status, needs a 0. ( Overrideable in the batteries )
httpTimeout: 60000, // Is the http response is to slow, this functions as a timeout. ( Overrideable in the batteries )
httpTimeCheckThresholds: 0.4, // You can use this in httpTimesCheck hook to check response timing
headers: { //You may put here headers to send in the request ( Overrideable in the batteries )
'Accept': 'text/html',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8'
runTweaks: {// You can define here if you wants to skip some battery or run one as only battery
'home.config.js': none
custom: {//This is an example, where we put values in order to log they at the end. Try to put your custom configs inside custom property
apiCallTimes: []
configs.titlePrefix = configs.routesConf.root + ' routing test: '; //The engine use this for the global name
module.exports = configs; //The engine expect you export the configs
'use strict';
_ = require( 'underscore' ), // you may add libraries like underscore if needed. In this example is installed in the package.json
expect = require( 'chai' ).expect,// you may use chai for expects. In this example is installed.....
configs = global.flashRoutingTests.currentConfigs, //When the engine find your config.js, load it and pass this object to you in global.flashRoutingTests.currentConfigs
root = configs.routesConf.root; // The engine use routesConf.root for make the http requests. ( The engine concatenates this with the sufix in the batteries cases )
cases = [
name: 'Basic body Check.', //the name for this case
description: 'Checks, status code, server http headers, and html title.', //the description for these case
sufixes: [ '/?sufijo1', { sufix: '/?sufijo2', n: 3 ], //sufixes to try ( are concatenated with routesConf.root,
// each sufix may be a string, or an object in order to specify repetitions ( n ( its default is 0 ) )
expects: {//For each sufix, run these expexts
statusCode: 200, //check the http status if you want
headers: { 'server': 'HTTP server (unknown)' }, //check headers if you want
httpTimesCheck: {// Hook for http request timing
run: function ( url, time, caseConf ) {// The engine expect the run function and pass to you the url, the time,
//and a caseConf Copy. You may use the automatic requestId in order to identify each requestID and cross data.
//console.log( '\nDEBUG TIMECHECK: ', configs.httpTimeCheckThresholds, time, url );
configs.custom.apiCallTimes.push( { requestId: caseConf.requestId, url: url, time: time } );//In this example we save this data in config.custom.apiCallTimes
expect( time ) configs.httpTimeCheckThresholds );//Also we check the timing is ok
description: 'Check the body is de one.'//Description for this timing check.
bodyChecks: {// Hook for check the response body
run: function ( body, caseConf ) { // The engine expect the run function and pass to you the raw body, and a caseConf Copy
//you may use the automatic requestId in order to identify each requestID and cross data.
//In the current case, I know that the correct response must contain a html fragment title
expect( body.indexOf( '<title>Google Translate</title>' ) ).to.not.equal( -1 );
// If you expect a json you can declare: var obj = JSON.parse( body ) .
description: 'Check the body is de one.' //
exports.cases = cases; // The engine expect you export an array cases