This package provides syntax highlighting for the SublimeText JSON/YAML tmlanguage files in VsCode. The syntax highlighting uses tmLanguage files sourced from Coffee script language information is sourced from
The original fork (Togusa9) has not seen any activity since 2018 and unfortunately has a bug which causes it to highlight spurious errors in JSON files which are nothing to do with tmlanguage. I have been unable to get a response from the author via This fork contains a fix for that bug and some maintenance work covering the changes in vscode from 2018 to now. It also contains some bug fixes from user disco0. It is available on the extension marketplace, here. The best outcome would be that the original fork becomes active once again and, if that happens, I would be delighted to see these changes merged back if required.
This package can now convert between JSON/YAML and standard PLIST tmLanguage files.
The functionality in this extension is inspired by SublimeText PackageDev, and the lack functionality around tmLanguage files, even though it's a recommended format for VSCODE syntax highlighting.
Included commands are:
- Convert to tmLanguage JSON file - Converts to JSON from YAML/PLIST
- Convert to tmLanguage PLIST file - Converts to PLIST from YAML/JSON
- Convert to tmLanguage YAML File - Converts to YAML from JSON/PLIST
tmLanguage.replaceExistingFile - Whether the conversion replaces the existing file or creates a new one. Defaults to true
Please raise any issues with this extension through GitHub