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weex2 + vue2
The following is a brief step to run the demo further introduction
open Weex Playground , Scan the qrcode below
(no optimizing separately for android)
$ npm install
building web pro
$ npm run build
building web pro & running service
$ npm run dev & npm run serve
ios packaging requires developer accounts, f not, you can only install it on your own connected iphone through xcode debugging, or virtual machine。
The following is the implementation of the non-developer account
install ios platform
$ weexpack platform add ios
build weex bundles
$ weex build ios
This step is only for packaging, not fully executed, cancel before you enter the bundle id。
further info https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000010984857
next, use xcode to debug, refer to the native debug step.
(Using XCode to open file platforms/ios/WeexDemo.xcworkspace
, simple configurate, then run or debug)