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N64cart - N64 flash cartridge


Existing N64 flash cartridges are quite expensive, but thanks to Konrad Beckmann, who first used a raspberry pi pico as a memory controller, he managed to create a cheap version that can be built at home.

Hardware and firmware initially are forked from Konrad Beckmann PicoCart64

N64 cartridge connector footprint for Eagle CAD from SummerCart64

N64 ROM boot code derived from N64FlashcartMenu and N64 DreamOS ROM


The main idea is to make the cartridge as simple and cheap as possible. Contrary to Konrad's idea of multiplexed PSRAM chips and two RP2040, I decided to use one SPI flash memory chip and one RP2040. Modern flash chips allow to erase and flash data more than 100,000 times, which is more than enough for home use for many years. Since the RP2040 does not support SPI flash chips larger than 16MB, it was decided to use page mode with page switching through the Extended Address register (EA register). Unfortunately, this method has a problem with long switching of 16MB pages, because need to disable the XIP mode, enable the SPI mode to change the page and enable the XIP back. Therefore, it was decided to use QSPI with 32-bit addressing mode without XIP. To effectively work with cartridge flash chip, a special version of the filesystem was created - romfs, which allows to map sectors of saved files as a continuous data area, to which the N64 has access via the PI bus. At the moment, romfs does not support directories. The maximum memory size depends on the cartridge board version - 64 MB for version 2 with a soic-8/wson-8 8x6 flash chip package, 128 MB for version 3 with a soic-16 flash chip package.

Project files

Cartridge board version 2 (soic-8/wson-8 8x6 - 64MB max)

Schematic pdf

Schematic eagle cad

PCB eagle cad

Gerber files

Cartridge board version 3 (soic-16 - 128MB max)

Schematic pdf

Schematic eagle cad

PCB eagle cad

Gerber files


  • One user controllable LED, accessible from N64 side, RGB WS2812 for PCB version 3 (all except PicoCart64-lite)

  • UART port, accessible from N64 side (all except PicoCart64-lite)

  • USB passthrough to N64 side

  • Emulation for EEPROM 4/16Kbit

  • Emulation for SRAM 256Kbit/1MBit

  • Emulation for Flash RAM 1Mbit (29L1100)

  • USB utility to access to the cartridge flash chip as filesystem.

Memory mapping


Register Address Mode
UART_CTRL 0x1fd01000 R-
UART_RXTX 0x1fd01004 RW
LED_CTRL 0x1fd01008 -W
SYS_CTRL 0x1fd0100c RW
SSI_SR 0x1fd01010 RW
SSI_DR0 0x1fd01014 RW
FW_SIZE 0x1fd01018 R-


Function Bit mask Mode


Function Bit mask Mode

LED control bits:

Function Bit mask Mode Note
LED_ONOFF 0x01 -W PCB v2 or PCB v3 without WS2812
LED_RGB 0x00ffffff -W PCB v3 only

SYS_CTRL bits:

Function Bit mask Mode

SSI_SR bits:

Function Bit mask Mode

SSI_DR0 bits:

Function Bit mask Mode
DATA 0xff RW


Order notes

The thickness of the PCB is 1.2 mm.

Ordering a stencil will make it easier to apply solder paste, but will increase the cost of the order.

Assembly notes

After soldering, if you have used a flux when soldering a processor or a flash chip, wash it well from the board, otherwise unstable work with memory is possible or it will not work at all.

for PCB version 2

Do not solder Q1 if D2 is soldered. Use either D2 or Q1.

Do not solder R1 and R6.

for PCB version 3

Do not solder R1 and D2 if LED3 is soldered.

Build firmware

To build, you will need an installed Pico SDK.

By default, the firmware is compiled for cartridge version 3 and NTSC. Add to cmake -DBOARD=v2 to build it for version 2 (flash chip 32/64 MB). Add to cmake -DBOARD=pico to build it for generic pico cartridge (flash chip 16 MB or less) without SI_DAT, SI_CLK, NMI, INT lines. Add to cmake -DBOARD=pico-lite to build it for PicoCart64-lite cartridge (flash chip 16 MB or less) with SI_DAT, SI_CLK, NMI, INT lines.

Add to cmake -DREGION=pal to build it for PAL.

Steps to build:

  cd fw

  mkdir build

  cd build

  cmake ..

  make -j

Press the cartridge button, connect the cartridge to USB and upload 'n64cart.uf2' to the RPI-RP2 disk.

Build rom manager

To build, you will need an installed N64 toolchain with libdragon, compiled in opengl branch.

Add to make BOARD=pico to build it for generic pico (flash chip 16 MB and less). Add to make BOARD=pico-lite to build it for PicoCart64-lite (flash chip 16 MB and less).

Steps to build:

  cd ../../rom


Cartrigde utility

The utility is used to format cartridge memory, write and read files from cartridge memory. You can upload new roms, change the background pictures with utility.


To build for linux and Mac OS, you need to install the libusb development files.

  cd ../utils


For windows, install mingw toolchain.

  cd ../utils
  make SYSTEM=Windows

How to use

The first time you use a cartridge, you must format it and write a file manager:

  ./usb-romfs format

  ./usb-romfs push ../rom/n64cart-manager.z64

Upload some other roms, for example:

  ./usb-romfs push rodfsdemo.z64

Change background image:

  ./usb-romfs push picture.jpg background.jpg

Full list of the utility commands:

./usb-romfs help
./usb-romfs bootloader
./usb-romfs reboot
./usb-romfs format
./usb-romfs list
./usb-romfs delete <remote filename>
./usb-romfs push [--fix-rom][--fix-pi-bus-speed[=12..FF]] <local filename>[ <remote filename>]
./usb-romfs pull <remote filename>[ <local filename>]

Total cartridge cost (32MB version)

The price of components for an online order of one or two pieces may be lower than the cost of delivery. When ordering in several pieces, sometimes there may even be free shipping.

Seller Delivery cost Components
Chicago Electronic Distributors $6-$11 RP2040
Arrow Free for orders > $50 spi flash,resistors,capacitors,etc
jlpcb $22.4 PCB

The price for 5 PCB is $2 ($4 for non first in order position).

The most expensive components:

Component qty Price
RP2040 1 $1
W25Q256JVEIQ 1 $4.24
ABLS-12.000MHZ-B4-T 1 $0.26
UJ2-MIBH-G-SMT-TR 1 $0.45
LDI1117-3.3U 1 $0.34
BAT60AE6327HTSA1 2 $0.93

All other components (LEDs, resistors, capacitors) from home stock, total cost less than $1.

So, the total cost of the pcb and components is approximately $9.

Photos version 2

BOM list for version 3

Part Value Device Package
C1 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C2 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C3 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C4 100n C-EUC0603 C0603
C5 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C6 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C7 100n C-EUC0603 C0603
C8 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C9 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C10 1uF C-EUC0402 C0402
C11 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C12 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C13 1uF C-EUC0402 C0402
C14 100n C-EUC0402 C0402
C15 27pF C-EUC0402 C0402
C16 27pF C-EUC0402 C0402
C22 10u C-EUC0805 C0805
D1 SL02-GS08 SL02-GS08 SOD-123
D2 GREEN LED0603 0603
D3 RED LED0603 0603
IC1 RP2040-QFN56 RP2040-QFN56 QFN-56
LED3 XL-5050RGBC-WS2812B XL-5050RGBC-WS2812B XL5050RGBCWS2812B
Q1 BSS84 BSS84 SOT23
R1 1K R-EU_R0603 R0603
R2 1K R-EU_R0402 R0402
R3 1K R-EU_R0402 R0402
R4 27 R-EU_R0402 R0402
R5 27 R-EU_R0402 R0402
R12 1K R-EU_R0603 R0603
S1 10-XX B3F-10XX
U$1 LDI1117-3.3U LDI1117-3.3U LDI1117-3.3U
U4 MX66L1G45GMI-08G MX66L1G45GMI-08G SOP_16

Photos version 3