Website for EFF's Certbot project. Uses Jekyll for static site generation.
- Install
ruby 2.0+
, andnpm 2.0+
. gem install jekyll
(requires v3.0 or higher)sudo npm install gulp -g
npm install
If you want to build a copy of the documentation for your local mirror of the Cerbot website, also do:
git submodule init
git submodule update
./ depend
- Install
e.g. viasudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra
To watch for changes and reload assets as needed via BrowserSync:
gulp watch
To build the site once:
gulp build
To build for production (minified javascript, no source maps):
gulp build --env production
The environment can also be set in the NODE_ENV environment variable. See
Most pages can be edited as markdown files.
Use /index.html
to edit the homepage.
Use /[RELATIVE_URL]/index.html
to edit internal pages.
Are generated by JavaScript with
Mustache, and can be edited in
FAQ entries are a Jekyll collection. Add FAQ entries (question and answer pairs) as markdown files to the _faq_entries
FAQ entries require two variables to be set in the front matter:
- title: the "Question" the FAQ entry answers
- weight: the position of this entry on the page - lighter FAQ entries will float to the top.
Certbot/website uses html-proofer to validate the html output of the build.
To install:
gem install html-proofer
To run the tests:
npm test
(Files with known issues are ignored.)