Install pip for python dependencies
pip install pipenv --user
Launch the docker containers
docker-compose up
Send some requests request
pipenv run python
The docker-compose will launch:
- a container with roki that can be reached on localhost:3000
- a container with simple http server that provides realtime gtfs-rt feeds to roki
- a prometheus server that scrapes metrics from roki. Its user interface is served on locahost:9090
- a grafana server with some dashboards that display the prometheus metrics. Go to locahost:3010. The initial login/password is admin/admin. It takes a minute or so to setup on first launch.
Roki expect protobuf requests sent via http, and respond with a protobuf payload. The protobuf schema for requests and responses are given in the roki.proto file in roki-proto/roki.proto
Look at the an the protobuf file to understand how requests are made, and how responses should be read.
The web interface allows to make requests to your roki container.
The gtfs datasets and gtfs-rt feeds present here were retrieved on 2024-11-21 (a day with a lot of snow and a strike) from
You can download more recent dataset by running
This will replace the files data/ data/ and data/
You can setup roki to retreive the most recent gtfs-rt feed by replacing the path http://gtfs_rt_feed_server:8001 in data/roki_config.toml by
Roki reads its configuration from the data/roki_config.toml file. This file contains documentation for the configuration options.
Install the protobuf compiler
sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler
Generate the python protobuf files
protoc --proto_path=roki-proto --python_out=. roki-proto/roki.proto