Django template ready to use in Heroku and OpenShift without any specific modification.
To start a project run the following command:
$ cookiecutter
project_name (default is "myproject")?
Start the git repository.
$ cd myproject
$ git init .
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "initial project version"
Install dependencies listed in requirements.txt
. I suggest use pip
and virtualenvironment
$ virtualenvironment venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Just use foreman
$ foreman start
Now your application is listening on port 5000. If you want to use other port number run the command like this:
$ PORT=8080 foreman start
$ heroku apps:create myproject
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
$ git push heroku
$ heroku run python syncdb
$ rhc app create myproject python-2.7 --no-git
$ git remote add openshift ssh://[email protected]/~/git/myproject.git/
$ rhc add-cartridge postgresql-9.2 --app myproject
$ ssh [email protected]
[ 2516000083533c2d2c500446]\> cd app-root/repo
[ repo]\> python syncdb
I'm working to support dotCloud, Gondor and others. Feel free to colaborate. :smile: