NNET is a C# class library for modeling and training neural networks using various layer types, activation functions, cost functions and optimizers.
You can create a network using the Network class:
public Network(object inputSize, Layer[] layers)
Input size supports int for one dimensional inputs and Vector2Int for two dimensional ones. The layers array specifies the layers within the network.
Example network:
using NNET;
Network network = new Network(10, new Layer[]{
new FullyConnected(20),
new FullyConnected(20),
new FullyConnected(2)
You can train your network using the Network.Backpropagate
Example training loop:
Vector[,] data = new Vector[1000,2];
// Initialize your data
float LR = 0.5f;
for(int epoch = 0; epoch < 10; epoch++){
Console.WriteLine("epoch " + epoch);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
network.Backpropagate(data[i,0], data[i,1], LR);
Console.WriteLine("sample " + (i+1) + "/1000:\ncost: " + network.cost);
A regular fully connected perceptron layer.
Configurable variables:
- output size
A convolution layer.
Configurable variables:
- kernel size
- kernel number
- stride
- padding
A max pooling layer.
Configurable variables:
- pool size
- stride
A layer which flattens a matrix. (Converts it into a vector)
- Relu
- Sigmoid
- Softmax
- Tanh
- Mean squared
- Mean absolute
- Cross entropy
- MiniBatch
- SGD (Stochastic gradient descent)
- Momentum SGD
- Adam