Movie Mate Your Ultimate Movie Search Companion, a React-based movie search application built with Vite , Tailwind CSS v4, ESLint, React Use , and powered by Appwrite for database management and TMDB API for fetching movie data.
Screenshot of Movie Mate in action.
Smart Movie Search: Users can search for movies using the TMDB API. The search queries are saved in the Appwrite database to track trends 1. Most Searched Movies : Display the most searched movies by users based on the data stored in the Appwrite database.
Debounced Search: Using react-use's useDebounce hook, the app waits 500ms after the user stops typing before making an API request, saving unnecessary data fetches and improving performance.
Movie Details: Show essential details such as the movie name, rating, and release date fetched from the TMDB API.
Frontend: React (with Vite), Tailwind CSS v4 for styling
State Management & Hooks:
for advanced hooks like useDebounce -
Linting & Formatting: ESLint for code quality
Database: Appwrite for storing user search queries
API: TMDB API for fetching movie data
Environment Variables: .env.local file for managing sensitive keys like TMDB API key and Appwrite collection keys.
Search for Movies: Enter a movie name in the search bar. The app will fetch results from the TMDB API and display them. Thanks to the useDebounce hook, it waits 500ms after you stop typing to make the API call, reducing unnecessary requests.
View Most Searched Movies: The homepage will show a list of the most searched movies by users, based on data stored in the Appwrite database.
Movie Details: Click on a movie to view more details like ratings and release dates.
- Clone the Repository
git clone
cd movie-mate
- Install Dependencies
npm install
# or
yarn install
- Set Up Environment Variables:
Create a .env.local
file in the root directory and add the following variables:
- Run the Development Server
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
🤝 Contributing Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or submitting pull requests. All contributions are welcome!