ADB, the Android Debug Bridge, is what allows an Android Device to talk to a computer for transfering files, installing apps, debugging, etc.
It consists of several parts, tipically:
- An Android Device, usually attached to your computer via an USB cable
- An application, like AndroidStudio or the
CLI - An ADB server, running in your computer and usually listening to
, which intermediates the communication between devices and applications
While this setup works fine for local development, sometimes I need to access a device somewhere else to test or debug something device-specific.
To address this scenario, ADB-Proxy connects to 2 ADB servers and intermediates communication between them:
- On the local computer, it acts as a local device, connected via TCP.
- On the remove server, it acts as an application and that communicates with a specific device.
When ADB-Proxy is running, the device appears to be attached to both computers
The easiest way to install is using PIP, from the git sources:
pip install git+
The easiest way is to have SSH access to the desired remote machine:
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy connect -s device_serial -J me@othercomputer
To attach the device identified by device_serial
, attached to othercomputer
to the local computer.
Unfortunately a direct connection is sometimes impossible. In this case, you can listen on the local computer and start a reverse connection from the remote end:
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy listen-reverse mycomputer:port # e.g.:
user@othercomputer$ adbproxy connect-reverse -s device_serial mycomputer:port
If the mycomputer
is not directly reachable from othercomputer
you can add SSH jumps (-J
) along the way. Some examples:
# Both computers reach gatewaycomputer by SSH and use it as an intermediary
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy listen-reverse localhost:port -J user@gatewaycomputer
user@othercomputer$ adbproxy connect-reverse -s device_serial localhost:port -J user@gatewaycomputer
# othercomputer can reach mycomputer over SSH
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy listen-reverse mycomputer:port
user@othercomputer$ adbproxy connect-reverse -s device_serial localhost:port -J user@mycomputer
# othercomputer can reach gatewaycomputer directly (gatewaycomputer must be configured with `GatewayPorts yes`)
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy listen-reverse gatewaycomputer:port -J user@gatewaycomputer
user@othercomputer$ adbproxy connect-reverse -s device_serial gatewaycomputer:port
This section requires the installation of the
pip install git+[upnp]
If you are behind a NAT and your router has UPnP enabled, --upnp
can be used to automatically setup port forwarding on your gateway from public internet
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy listen-reverse --upnp
user@othercomputer$ adbproxy connect-reverse gateway_ip:gateway_port # listen-reverse shows the gateway IP and Port
If your computer cannot be reached directly (You are behind a NAT or firewall), your router doesn't support UPnP, you cannot set up port forwarding directly and don't have access to an SSH server to use as a gateway.... We can fallback to using Ngrok as a gateway.
Go to, create an account and setup your SSH key. Now you can run with --ngrok
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy listen-reverse --ngrok
user@othercomputer$ adbproxy connect-reverse ngrok_host:ngrok_port # listen-reverse shows the Host and Port to use
This section requires the installation of the
pip install git+[devicefarm]
DeviceFarm is an AWS service for automatic testing of Android and iOS apps.
Using reverse connections and a special test spec, it is possible to attach to a remote device:
To use it, ensure you have:
file setup with your region and access keys- A project created on DeviceFarm
- A device pool with the device you want to attach to
The connectivity options are the same as those for reverse connections
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy device-farm --project="MyProject" --device-pool="MyPool" my_ip:port # Assuming my_ip is available externally
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy device-farm --project="MyProject" --device-pool="MyPool" gateway_ip:port -J user@gatewaycomputer # Assuming gateway_ip is available externally
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy device-farm --project="MyProject" --device-pool="MyPool" --upnp # Will automatically set port forwarding from a public ip
user@mycomputer$ adbproxy device-farm --project="MyProject" --device-pool="MyPool" --ngrok # Will automatically use ngrok as a gateway
ADB connection is nice and all, but an interactive screen that you can see and click is essential!
I highly recomend Genymobile's scrcpy to fill that gap.
However, scrcpy
has been optimized for low-latency local connections, and can be a sluggish when accessing a device thousands of km away.
I found that reducing the screen resolution and bitrate helps a lot, and I'm currently using:
- `-b384k`: Bitrate 384kbps. Greatly influences image quality
- `-m960`: Resize screen to half of its normal size (1920 in my case). Greatly influences latency