ICT-EU is a shell script written by Marcos Marado to, using EU’s website as a data source, generate a CSV file with information about all Information Society EU Programmes.
For each programme, list:
- Title;
- Description;
- Each of the "Project ID card" fields;
- Participating partners (number of partners and number of partner countries).
The output is in the form of a CSV file.
This script scrolls through the information at http://ec.europa.eu/information\_society/apps/projects/index.cfm?menu=secondary and parses it.
This was written having UNIX-based systems in mind. This usage section assumes you are in such a system (GNU/Linux; MacOS; etc.). Suggestions on how to enhance this section on other systems are welcome.
- Wget;
- html2text.
The following steps assume you have a clone of this repository on your system.
- Open a terminal;
- Go to the directory where this repository is;
- Type ‘sh ICT-EU.sh’;
- A new CSV file called final.csv was created in the directory.
While this script is meant to work on both GNU/Linux and Mac OS systems, it seems that the output is malformed in Mac OS X.