Author : Jaseem Abid [email protected]
Emacs configuration files rebuild for Emacs 24. Feel free to use my config files if they are of any interest to you. As of now it is a mess. Use at your own risk. Will clean up someday when I get time.
# backup your existing emacs config
cd ~/
mv .emacs .emacs_
mv .emacs.d .emacs.d_
# Clone the repo to ~/.emacs.d
git clone .emacs.d
cd .emacs.d
# Update the submodules. You need this for the awesome solarized-dark theme
git submodule update --init
# Fire up your emacs and Install all packages in elpa_list
M-x list-packages # Shows all the packages
# Press 'i' to select (coffeescript-mode, js2-mode etc)
# Press 'x' to install
# Restart emacs
- Read
- Fix
- gnus