Console Pomodoro timer with playing the melody of the signal or with the generation of an end time signal. Displays a push notification on Linux and Mac OS X.
Pomodoro Technique - see
We will use the traditional Pomodoro scheme:
According to the principle of the Pomodoro technique - if you are distracted while doing work, then you must interrupt the current time and start a new Pomodoro. And this means that you need to write time in to the database only after the specified time has passed and not earlier.
If you follow this principle, the Pomodoro Technique will be for you exactly the tool for which it was invented, namely, not to calculate the time of your work and breaks in work, but to make you concentrate on continuous and concentrated execution of works during one Pomodoro, i.e. within 25 minutes.
We call the program from any directory in the console and set the countdown time:
When the time ends, a sound signal will be played, push notification will be displayed and it is proposed to enter a new countdown time. And also, it will display the time that is OUT, in the form of a colored time bar, where:
- red color - working time (25 minutes)
- green color - time for a short or long break (5, 15 or 30 minutes)
The type of push notification depends on your OS and the type of graphical shell used, for example:
pip install pomodorotimer
Alternatively you can install pomodorotimer from sources directory:
git clone
cd pomodorotimer
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
cd ..
rm -rf pomodorotimer
Get statistics today:
pomodoro --statistic=today
We get something like this in the browser window:
All-Time Statistics:
pomodoro --statistic=all
We get something like this in the browser window:
Delete (clear) statistics for today:
pomodoro --statistic=delete-today
Delete (clear) all statistics:
pomodoro --statistic=delete-all
See in requirements.txt
pomodorotimer works with python 3.10.13 or higher.
pip uninstall pomodorotimer
Alexey Patsukov 🇷🇺 - GitHub profile
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