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PC-30384-Ajouts de OFFER_ADDRESS dans certains mails #4785

PC-30384-Ajouts de OFFER_ADDRESS dans certains mails

PC-30384-Ajouts de OFFER_ADDRESS dans certains mails #4785

GitHub Actions / Pytest Report failed Sep 19, 2024 in 0s

2521 tests run, 2510 passed, 1 skipped, 10 failed.


Check failure on line 119 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'activeMediation': None, 'bookingContact': None, 'bookingsCount': 0, 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z', 'publicationDate': None, 'description': 'Tatort, but slower', 'durationMinutes': 60, 'extraData': None, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'hasStocks': True, 'isActive': True, 'isActivable': True, 'isDigital': False, 'isDuo': False, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isNational': False, 'isThing': False, 'id': 248, 'lastProvider': None, 'name': 'Derrick', 'priceCategories': [{'price': 10.1, 'label': 'Au pied du mur', 'id': 102}], 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'productId': None, 'thumbUrl': None, 'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '', 'url': None, 'venue': {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'city': 'Paris', 'departementCode': '75', 'id': 710, 'isVirtual': False, 'managingOfferer': {'id': 737, 'name': 'Test Offerer', 'allowedOnAdage': True}, 'name': 'La petite librairie', 'postalCode': '75000', 'publicName': 'La petite librairie'}, 'withdrawalDelay': 1800, 'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet', 'withdrawalType': 'on_site', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isNonFreeOffer': None, 'address': {'id': 422, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'La petite librairie', 'id_oa': 672, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}, 'hasPendingBookings': False} == {'activeMediation': None, 'bookingContact': None, 'bookingsCount': 0, 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z', 'productId': None, 'publicationDate': None, 'description': 'Tatort, but slower', 'durationMinutes': 60, 'extraData': None, 'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '', 'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'hasPendingBookings': False, 'hasStocks': True, 'isActive': True, 'isActivable': True, 'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'isDigital': False, 'isDuo': False, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isNational': False, 'isThing': False, 'lastProvider': None, 'name': 'Derrick', 'id': 248, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isNonFreeOffer': None, 'priceCategories': [{'label': 'Au pied du mur', 'price': 10.1, 'id': 102}], 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'thumbUrl': None, 'url': None, 'address': {'label': 'La petite librairie', 'id': 422, 'id_oa': 672, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'departmentCode': '75', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}, 'venue': {'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'city': 'Paris', 'departementCode': '75', 'id': 710, 'isVirtual': False, 'managingOfferer': {'id': 737, 'name': 'Test Offerer', 'allowedOnAdage': True}, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'name': 'La petite librairie', 'postalCode': '75000', 'publicName': 'La petite librairie', 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False}, 'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet', 'withdrawalType': 'on_site', 'withdrawalDelay': 1800}
  Common items:
  {'activeMediation': None,
   'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
   'bookingContact': None,
   'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
   'bookingsCount': 0,
   'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z',
   'description': 'Tatort, but slower',
   'durationMinutes': 60,
   'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '',
   'extraData': None,
   'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
   'hasPendingBookings': False,
   'hasStocks': True,
   'id': 248,
   'isActivable': True,
   'isActive': True,
   'isDigital': False,
   'isDuo': False,
   'isEditable': True,
   'isEvent': True,
   'isNational': False,
   'isNonFreeOffer': None,
   'isThing': False,
   'lastProvider': None,
   'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True,
   'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
   'name': 'Derrick',
   'priceCategories': [{'id': 102, 'label': 'Au pied du mur', 'price': 10.1}],
   'productId': None,
   'publicationDate': None,
   'status': 'ACTIVE',
   'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
   'thumbUrl': None,
   'url': None,
   'venue': {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
             'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
             'city': 'Paris',
             'departementCode': '75',
             'id': 710,
             'isVirtual': False,
             'managingOfferer': {'allowedOnAdage': True,
                                 'id': 737,
                                 'name': 'Test Offerer'},
             'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False,
             'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
             'name': 'La petite librairie',
             'postalCode': '75000',
             'publicName': 'La petite librairie',
             'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
             'visualDisabilityCompliant': False},
   'visualDisabilityCompliant': False,
   'withdrawalDelay': 1800,
   'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet',
   'withdrawalType': 'on_site'}
  Differing items:
  {'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': None, 'id': 422, ...}} != {'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 422, ...}}
  Full diff:
        'activeMediation': None,
        'address': {
            'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
            'city': 'Paris',
  -         'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                           ^^^^
  +         'departmentCode': None,
  ?                           ^^^^
            'id': 422,
            'id_oa': 672,
            'inseeCode': '75102',
            'isEditable': False,
            'isManualEdition': False,
            'label': 'La petite librairie',
            'latitude': 48.87004,
            'longitude': 2.3785,
            'postalCode': '75000',
            'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
        'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
        'bookingContact': None,
        'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
        'bookingsCount': 0,
        'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z',
        'description': 'Tatort, but slower',
        'durationMinutes': 60,
        'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '',
        'extraData': None,
        'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
        'hasPendingBookings': False,
        'hasStocks': True,
        'id': 248,
        'isActivable': True,
        'isActive': True,
        'isDigital': False,
        'isDuo': False,
        'isEditable': True,
        'isEvent': True,
        'isNational': False,
        'isNonFreeOffer': None,
        'isThing': False,
        'lastProvider': None,
        'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True,
        'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
        'name': 'Derrick',
        'priceCategories': [
                'id': 102,
                'label': 'Au pied du mur',
                'price': 10.1,
        'productId': None,
        'publicationDate': None,
        'status': 'ACTIVE',
        'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
        'thumbUrl': None,
        'url': None,
        'venue': {
            'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
            'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
            'city': 'Paris',
            'departementCode': '75',
            'id': 710,
            'isVirtual': False,
            'managingOfferer': {
                'allowedOnAdage': True,
                'id': 737,
                'name': 'Test Offerer',
            'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False,
            'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
            'name': 'La petite librairie',
            'postalCode': '75000',
            'publicName': 'La petite librairie',
            'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
            'visualDisabilityCompliant': False,
        'visualDisabilityCompliant': False,
        'withdrawalDelay': 1800,
        'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet',
        'withdrawalType': 'on_site',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in test_returns_an_event_stock
    assert response.json == {
E   AssertionError: assert {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'activeMediation': None, 'bookingContact': None, 'bookingsCount': 0, 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z', 'publicationDate': None, 'description': 'Tatort, but slower', 'durationMinutes': 60, 'extraData': None, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'hasStocks': True, 'isActive': True, 'isActivable': True, 'isDigital': False, 'isDuo': False, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isNational': False, 'isThing': False, 'id': 248, 'lastProvider': None, 'name': 'Derrick', 'priceCategories': [{'price': 10.1, 'label': 'Au pied du mur', 'id': 102}], 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'productId': None, 'thumbUrl': None, 'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '', 'url': None, 'venue': {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'city': 'Paris', 'departementCode': '75', 'id': 710, 'isVirtual': False, 'managingOfferer': {'id': 737, 'name': 'Test Offerer', 'allowedOnAdage': True}, 'name': 'La petite librairie', 'postalCode': '75000', 'publicName': 'La petite librairie'}, 'withdrawalDelay': 1800, 'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet', 'withdrawalType': 'on_site', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isNonFreeOffer': None, 'address': {'id': 422, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'La petite librairie', 'id_oa': 672, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}, 'hasPendingBookings': False} == {'activeMediation': None, 'bookingContact': None, 'bookingsCount': 0, 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z', 'productId': None, 'publicationDate': None, 'description': 'Tatort, but slower', 'durationMinutes': 60, 'extraData': None, 'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '', 'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'hasPendingBookings': False, 'hasStocks': True, 'isActive': True, 'isActivable': True, 'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'isDigital': False, 'isDuo': False, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isNational': False, 'isThing': False, 'lastProvider': None, 'name': 'Derrick', 'id': 248, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isNonFreeOffer': None, 'priceCategories': [{'label': 'Au pied du mur', 'price': 10.1, 'id': 102}], 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'thumbUrl': None, 'url': None, 'address': {'label': 'La petite librairie', 'id': 422, 'id_oa': 672, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'departmentCode': '75', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}, 'venue': {'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'bookingEmail': '[email protected]', 'city': 'Paris', 'departementCode': '75', 'id': 710, 'isVirtual': False, 'managingOfferer': {'id': 737, 'name': 'Test Offerer', 'allowedOnAdage': True}, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'name': 'La petite librairie', 'postalCode': '75000', 'publicName': 'La petite librairie', 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False}, 'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet', 'withdrawalType': 'on_site', 'withdrawalDelay': 1800}
E     Common items:
E     {'activeMediation': None,
E      'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
E      'bookingContact': None,
E      'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
E      'bookingsCount': 0,
E      'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z',
E      'description': 'Tatort, but slower',
E      'durationMinutes': 60,
E      'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '',
E      'extraData': None,
E      'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E      'hasPendingBookings': False,
E      'hasStocks': True,
E      'id': 248,
E      'isActivable': True,
E      'isActive': True,
E      'isDigital': False,
E      'isDuo': False,
E      'isEditable': True,
E      'isEvent': True,
E      'isNational': False,
E      'isNonFreeOffer': None,
E      'isThing': False,
E      'lastProvider': None,
E      'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True,
E      'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
E      'name': 'Derrick',
E      'priceCategories': [{'id': 102, 'label': 'Au pied du mur', 'price': 10.1}],
E      'productId': None,
E      'publicationDate': None,
E      'status': 'ACTIVE',
E      'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
E      'thumbUrl': None,
E      'url': None,
E      'venue': {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
E                'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
E                'city': 'Paris',
E                'departementCode': '75',
E                'id': 710,
E                'isVirtual': False,
E                'managingOfferer': {'allowedOnAdage': True,
E                                    'id': 737,
E                                    'name': 'Test Offerer'},
E                'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False,
E                'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
E                'name': 'La petite librairie',
E                'postalCode': '75000',
E                'publicName': 'La petite librairie',
E                'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
E                'visualDisabilityCompliant': False},
E      'visualDisabilityCompliant': False,
E      'withdrawalDelay': 1800,
E      'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet',
E      'withdrawalType': 'on_site'}
E     Differing items:
E     {'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': None, 'id': 422, ...}} != {'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 422, ...}}
E     Full diff:
E       {
E           'activeMediation': None,
E           'address': {
E               'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E               'city': 'Paris',
E     -         'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                           ^^^^
E     +         'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                           ^^^^
E               'id': 422,
E               'id_oa': 672,
E               'inseeCode': '75102',
E               'isEditable': False,
E               'isManualEdition': False,
E               'label': 'La petite librairie',
E               'latitude': 48.87004,
E               'longitude': 2.3785,
E               'postalCode': '75000',
E               'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
E           },
E           'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
E           'bookingContact': None,
E           'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
E           'bookingsCount': 0,
E           'dateCreated': '2020-10-15T00:00:00Z',
E           'description': 'Tatort, but slower',
E           'durationMinutes': 60,
E           'externalTicketOfficeUrl': '',
E           'extraData': None,
E           'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E           'hasPendingBookings': False,
E           'hasStocks': True,
E           'id': 248,
E           'isActivable': True,
E           'isActive': True,
E           'isDigital': False,
E           'isDuo': False,
E           'isEditable': True,
E           'isEvent': True,
E           'isNational': False,
E           'isNonFreeOffer': None,
E           'isThing': False,
E           'lastProvider': None,
E           'mentalDisabilityCompliant': True,
E           'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
E           'name': 'Derrick',
E           'priceCategories': [
E               {
E                   'id': 102,
E                   'label': 'Au pied du mur',
E                   'price': 10.1,
E               },
E           ],
E           'productId': None,
E           'publicationDate': None,
E           'status': 'ACTIVE',
E           'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
E           'thumbUrl': None,
E           'url': None,
E           'venue': {
E               'audioDisabilityCompliant': False,
E               'bookingEmail': '[email protected]',
E               'city': 'Paris',
E               'departementCode': '75',
E               'id': 710,
E               'isVirtual': False,
E               'managingOfferer': {
E                   'allowedOnAdage': True,
E                   'id': 737,
E                   'name': 'Test Offerer',
E               },
E               'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False,
E               'motorDisabilityCompliant': False,
E               'name': 'La petite librairie',
E               'postalCode': '75000',
E               'publicName': 'La petite librairie',
E               'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
E               'visualDisabilityCompliant': False,
E           },
E           'visualDisabilityCompliant': False,
E           'withdrawalDelay': 1800,
E           'withdrawalDetails': 'Veuillez chercher votre billet au guichet',
E           'withdrawalType': 'on_site',
E       }

Check failure on line 308 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert {'id': 428, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Address label 698', 'id_oa': 678, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False} == {'label': 'Address label 698', 'id': 428, 'id_oa': 678, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'departmentCode': '75', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}
  Common items:
  {'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
   'city': 'Paris',
   'id': 428,
   'id_oa': 678,
   'inseeCode': '75102',
   'isEditable': True,
   'isManualEdition': False,
   'label': 'Address label 698',
   'latitude': 48.87055,
   'longitude': 2.34765,
   'postalCode': '75002',
   'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière'}
  Differing items:
  {'departmentCode': None} != {'departmentCode': '75'}
  Full diff:
        'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
        'city': 'Paris',
  -     'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                       ^^^^
  +     'departmentCode': None,
  ?                       ^^^^
        'id': 428,
        'id_oa': 678,
        'inseeCode': '75102',
        'isEditable': True,
        'isManualEdition': False,
        'label': 'Address label 698',
        'latitude': 48.87055,
        'longitude': 2.34765,
        'postalCode': '75002',
        'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in test_return_offer_offerer_address
    assert response.json["address"] == {
E   AssertionError: assert {'id': 428, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Address label 698', 'id_oa': 678, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False} == {'label': 'Address label 698', 'id': 428, 'id_oa': 678, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'departmentCode': '75', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}
E     Common items:
E     {'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E      'city': 'Paris',
E      'id': 428,
E      'id_oa': 678,
E      'inseeCode': '75102',
E      'isEditable': True,
E      'isManualEdition': False,
E      'label': 'Address label 698',
E      'latitude': 48.87055,
E      'longitude': 2.34765,
E      'postalCode': '75002',
E      'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière'}
E     Differing items:
E     {'departmentCode': None} != {'departmentCode': '75'}
E     Full diff:
E       {
E           'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E           'city': 'Paris',
E     -     'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                       ^^^^
E     +     'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                       ^^^^
E           'id': 428,
E           'id_oa': 678,
E           'inseeCode': '75102',
E           'isEditable': True,
E           'isManualEdition': False,
E           'label': 'Address label 698',
E           'latitude': 48.87055,
E           'longitude': 2.34765,
E           'postalCode': '75002',
E           'street': '1698 boulevard Poissonnière',
E       }

Check failure on line 342 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert {'id': 429, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Address label 699', 'id_oa': 679, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False} == {'label': 'Address label 699', 'id': 429, 'id_oa': 679, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'departmentCode': '75', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}
  Common items:
  {'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
   'city': 'Paris',
   'id': 429,
   'id_oa': 679,
   'inseeCode': '75102',
   'isEditable': False,
   'isManualEdition': False,
   'label': 'Address label 699',
   'latitude': 48.87055,
   'longitude': 2.34765,
   'postalCode': '75002',
   'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière'}
  Differing items:
  {'departmentCode': None} != {'departmentCode': '75'}
  Full diff:
        'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
        'city': 'Paris',
  -     'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                       ^^^^
  +     'departmentCode': None,
  ?                       ^^^^
        'id': 429,
        'id_oa': 679,
        'inseeCode': '75102',
        'isEditable': False,
        'isManualEdition': False,
        'label': 'Address label 699',
        'latitude': 48.87055,
        'longitude': 2.34765,
        'postalCode': '75002',
        'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in test_return_venue_offerer_address
    assert response.json["address"] == {
E   AssertionError: assert {'id': 429, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Address label 699', 'id_oa': 679, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False} == {'label': 'Address label 699', 'id': 429, 'id_oa': 679, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'departmentCode': '75', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}
E     Common items:
E     {'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E      'city': 'Paris',
E      'id': 429,
E      'id_oa': 679,
E      'inseeCode': '75102',
E      'isEditable': False,
E      'isManualEdition': False,
E      'label': 'Address label 699',
E      'latitude': 48.87055,
E      'longitude': 2.34765,
E      'postalCode': '75002',
E      'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière'}
E     Differing items:
E     {'departmentCode': None} != {'departmentCode': '75'}
E     Full diff:
E       {
E           'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E           'city': 'Paris',
E     -     'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                       ^^^^
E     +     'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                       ^^^^
E           'id': 429,
E           'id_oa': 679,
E           'inseeCode': '75102',
E           'isEditable': False,
E           'isManualEdition': False,
E           'label': 'Address label 699',
E           'latitude': 48.87055,
E           'longitude': 2.34765,
E           'postalCode': '75002',
E           'street': '1699 boulevard Poissonnière',
E       }

Check failure on line 21 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'My Offer', 'stocks': [{'id': 242, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name', 'departementCode': '12'}, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 467, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'My public name', 'id_oa': 722, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'name': 'My Offer', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'stocks': [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'id': 242, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'departementCode': '12', 'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name'}, 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 467, 'id_oa': 722, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'My public name', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'My Offer', 'stocks': [{'id': 242, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name', 'departementCode': '12'}, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 467, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'My public name', 'id_oa': 722, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'name': 'My Offer', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'stocks': [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'id': 242, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'departementCode': '12', 'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name'}, 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 467, 'id_oa': 722, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'My public name', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}
  Full diff:
            'address': {
                'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 467,
                'id_oa': 722,
                'inseeCode': '75102',
                'isEditable': False,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'My public name',
                'latitude': 48.87004,
                'longitude': 2.3785,
                'postalCode': '12000',
                'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
            'id': 290,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': False,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': True,
            'name': 'My Offer',
            'productIsbn': '123456789',
            'status': 'ACTIVE',
            'stocks': [
                    'beginningDatetime': None,
                    'bookingQuantity': 0,
                    'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False,
                    'id': 242,
                    'remainingQuantity': 1000,
            'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '12',
                'id': 793,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'My Venue',
                'offererName': 'My Offerer',
                'publicName': 'My public name',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in should_filter_by_venue_when_user_is_admin_and_request_specific_venue_with_no_rights_on_it
    assert response.json == [
E   AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'My Offer', 'stocks': [{'id': 242, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name', 'departementCode': '12'}, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 467, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'My public name', 'id_oa': 722, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'name': 'My Offer', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'stocks': [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'id': 242, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'departementCode': '12', 'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name'}, 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 467, 'id_oa': 722, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'My public name', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}]
E     At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'My Offer', 'stocks': [{'id': 242, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name', 'departementCode': '12'}, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 467, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'My public name', 'id_oa': 722, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 290, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': False, 'isThing': True, 'isEducational': False, 'productIsbn': '123456789', 'name': 'My Offer', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'stocks': [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False, 'id': 242, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': None, 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM', 'venue': {'departementCode': '12', 'id': 793, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'My Venue', 'offererName': 'My Offerer', 'publicName': 'My public name'}, 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 467, 'id_oa': 722, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'My public name', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '12000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}
E     Full diff:
E       [
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 467,
E                   'id_oa': 722,
E                   'inseeCode': '75102',
E                   'isEditable': False,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'My public name',
E                   'latitude': 48.87004,
E                   'longitude': 2.3785,
E                   'postalCode': '12000',
E                   'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E               'id': 290,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': False,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': True,
E               'name': 'My Offer',
E               'productIsbn': '123456789',
E               'status': 'ACTIVE',
E               'stocks': [
E                   {
E                       'beginningDatetime': None,
E                       'bookingQuantity': 0,
E                       'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': False,
E                       'id': 242,
E                       'remainingQuantity': 1000,
E                   },
E               ],
E               'subcategoryId': 'SUPPORT_PHYSIQUE_FILM',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '12',
E                   'id': 793,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'My Venue',
E                   'offererName': 'My Offerer',
E                   'publicName': 'My public name',
E               },
E           },
E       ]

Check failure on line 358 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 480, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 735, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 480, 'id_oa': 735, 'inseeCode': '75112', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy'}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 480, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 735, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 480, 'id_oa': 735, 'inseeCode': '75112', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy'}}
  Full diff:
            'address': {
                'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 480,
                'id_oa': 735,
                'inseeCode': '75112',
                'isEditable': True,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'Accor Arena',
                'latitude': 48.87055,
                'longitude': 2.34765,
                'postalCode': '75002',
                'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True,
            'id': 298,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': True,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': False,
            'name': 'Offer 297',
            'productIsbn': None,
            'status': 'EXPIRED',
            'stocks': [
                    'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z',
                    'bookingQuantity': 0,
                    'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True,
                    'id': 247,
                    'remainingQuantity': 1000,
            'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '75',
                'id': 803,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802',
                'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850',
                'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in should_return_event_correctly_serialized
    assert response.json == [
E   AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 480, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 735, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 480, 'id_oa': 735, 'inseeCode': '75112', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy'}}]
E     At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 480, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 735, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True, 'id': 298, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 297', 'stocks': [{'id': 247, 'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True, 'remainingQuantity': 1000, 'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z', 'bookingQuantity': 0}], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 803, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'EXPIRED', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 480, 'id_oa': 735, 'inseeCode': '75112', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy'}}
E     Full diff:
E       [
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 480,
E                   'id_oa': 735,
E                   'inseeCode': '75112',
E                   'isEditable': True,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'Accor Arena',
E                   'latitude': 48.87055,
E                   'longitude': 2.34765,
E                   'postalCode': '75002',
E                   'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': True,
E               'id': 298,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': True,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': False,
E               'name': 'Offer 297',
E               'productIsbn': None,
E               'status': 'EXPIRED',
E               'stocks': [
E                   {
E                       'beginningDatetime': '2022-09-21T13:19:00Z',
E                       'bookingQuantity': 0,
E                       'hasBookingLimitDatetimePassed': True,
E                       'id': 247,
E                       'remainingQuantity': 1000,
E                   },
E               ],
E               'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '75',
E                   'id': 803,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802',
E                   'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 850',
E                   'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 802',
E               },
E           },
E       ]

Check failure on line 429 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 481, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'id_oa': 736, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 481, 'id_oa': 736, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 481, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'id_oa': 736, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 481, 'id_oa': 736, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}
  Full diff:
            'address': {
                'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 481,
                'id_oa': 736,
                'inseeCode': '75102',
                'isEditable': False,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803',
                'latitude': 48.87004,
                'longitude': 2.3785,
                'postalCode': '75000',
                'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
            'id': 299,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': True,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': False,
            'name': 'Offer 298',
            'productIsbn': None,
            'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
            'stocks': [],
            'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '75',
                'id': 804,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803',
                'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851',
                'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in should_not_return_soft_deleted_stocks
    assert response.json == [
E   AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 481, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'id_oa': 736, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 481, 'id_oa': 736, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}]
E     At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 481, 'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'inseeCode': '75102', 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'id_oa': 736, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 299, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Offer 298', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE', 'venue': {'id': 804, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'banId': '75102_7560_00001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'id': 481, 'id_oa': 736, 'inseeCode': '75102', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803', 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière'}}
E     Full diff:
E       [
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75102_7560_00001',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 481,
E                   'id_oa': 736,
E                   'inseeCode': '75102',
E                   'isEditable': False,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803',
E                   'latitude': 48.87004,
E                   'longitude': 2.3785,
E                   'postalCode': '75000',
E                   'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E               'id': 299,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': True,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': False,
E               'name': 'Offer 298',
E               'productIsbn': None,
E               'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
E               'stocks': [],
E               'subcategoryId': 'SEANCE_CINE',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '75',
E                   'id': 804,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803',
E                   'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 851',
E                   'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 803',
E               },
E           },
E       ]

Check failure on line 490 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 483, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 738, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}, {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 300, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 483, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 738, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEducational': False, 'isEvent': True, 'isShowcase': False, 'isThing': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'productIsbn': None, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'stocks': [], 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'thumbUrl': None, 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'address': {'id': 483, 'id_oa': 738, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}, {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 300, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEducational': False, 'isEvent': True, 'isShowcase': False, 'isThing': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'productIsbn': None, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'stocks': [], 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'thumbUrl': None, 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'address': {'id': 483, 'id_oa': 738, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 483, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 738, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEducational': False, 'isEvent': True, 'isShowcase': False, 'isThing': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'productIsbn': None, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'stocks': [], 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'thumbUrl': None, 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'address': {'id': 483, 'id_oa': 738, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}
  Full diff:
            'address': {
                'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 483,
                'id_oa': 738,
                'inseeCode': '75112',
                'isEditable': True,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'Accor Arena',
                'latitude': 48.87055,
                'longitude': 2.34765,
                'postalCode': '75002',
                'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
            'id': 301,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': True,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': False,
            'name': 'Taylor Swift',
            'productIsbn': None,
            'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
            'stocks': [],
            'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '75',
                'id': 805,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
                'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852',
                'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
            'address': {
                'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 483,
                'id_oa': 738,
                'inseeCode': '75112',
                'isEditable': True,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'Accor Arena',
                'latitude': 48.87055,
                'longitude': 2.34765,
                'postalCode': '75002',
                'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
            'id': 300,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': True,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': False,
            'name': 'The Weeknd',
            'productIsbn': None,
            'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
            'stocks': [],
            'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '75',
                'id': 805,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
                'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852',
                'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in should_return_offers_filtered_by_offerer_address
    assert response.json == [
E   AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 483, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 738, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}, {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 300, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 483, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 738, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEducational': False, 'isEvent': True, 'isShowcase': False, 'isThing': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'productIsbn': None, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'stocks': [], 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'thumbUrl': None, 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'address': {'id': 483, 'id_oa': 738, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}, {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 300, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEducational': False, 'isEvent': True, 'isShowcase': False, 'isThing': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'productIsbn': None, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'stocks': [], 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'thumbUrl': None, 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'address': {'id': 483, 'id_oa': 738, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}]
E     At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 483, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 738, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 301, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEducational': False, 'isEvent': True, 'isShowcase': False, 'isThing': False, 'name': 'Taylor Swift', 'productIsbn': None, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'stocks': [], 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'thumbUrl': None, 'venue': {'id': 805, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'address': {'id': 483, 'id_oa': 738, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}
E     Full diff:
E       [
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 483,
E                   'id_oa': 738,
E                   'inseeCode': '75112',
E                   'isEditable': True,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'Accor Arena',
E                   'latitude': 48.87055,
E                   'longitude': 2.34765,
E                   'postalCode': '75002',
E                   'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E               'id': 301,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': True,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': False,
E               'name': 'Taylor Swift',
E               'productIsbn': None,
E               'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
E               'stocks': [],
E               'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '75',
E                   'id': 805,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
E                   'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852',
E                   'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
E               },
E           },
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 483,
E                   'id_oa': 738,
E                   'inseeCode': '75112',
E                   'isEditable': True,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'Accor Arena',
E                   'latitude': 48.87055,
E                   'longitude': 2.34765,
E                   'postalCode': '75002',
E                   'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E               'id': 300,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': True,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': False,
E               'name': 'The Weeknd',
E               'productIsbn': None,
E               'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
E               'stocks': [],
E               'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '75',
E                   'id': 805,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
E                   'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 852',
E                   'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 804',
E               },
E           },
E       ]

Check failure on line 611 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 741, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'id_oa': 741, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 741, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'id_oa': 741, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}
  Full diff:
            'address': {
                'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 486,
                'id_oa': 741,
                'inseeCode': '75112',
                'isEditable': True,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'Accor Arena',
                'latitude': 48.87055,
                'longitude': 2.34765,
                'postalCode': '75002',
                'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
            'id': 303,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': True,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': False,
            'name': 'The Weeknd',
            'productIsbn': None,
            'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
            'stocks': [],
            'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '75',
                'id': 806,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805',
                'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853',
                'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in should_return_offer_with_address_of_oa
    assert response.json == [
E   AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 741, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'id_oa': 741, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}]
E     At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75002', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'id_oa': 741, 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 303, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 806, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853', 'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 486, 'id_oa': 741, 'banId': '75112_0877_00008', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Accor Arena', 'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75002', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': True, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 48.87055, 'longitude': 2.34765}}
E     Full diff:
E       [
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75112_0877_00008',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 486,
E                   'id_oa': 741,
E                   'inseeCode': '75112',
E                   'isEditable': True,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'Accor Arena',
E                   'latitude': 48.87055,
E                   'longitude': 2.34765,
E                   'postalCode': '75002',
E                   'street': '8 Boulevard de Bercy',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E               'id': 303,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': True,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': False,
E               'name': 'The Weeknd',
E               'productIsbn': None,
E               'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
E               'stocks': [],
E               'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '75',
E                   'id': 806,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805',
E                   'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 853',
E                   'publicName': 'Le Petit Rintintin 805',
E               },
E           },
E       ]

Check failure on line 675 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75001', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'id_oa': 742, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'id_oa': 742, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75001', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'id_oa': 742, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'id_oa': 742, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765}}
  Full diff:
            'address': {
                'banId': '75112_0877_00001',
                'city': 'Paris',
  -             'departmentCode': '75',
  ?                               ^^^^
  +             'departmentCode': None,
  ?                               ^^^^
                'id': 487,
                'id_oa': 742,
                'inseeCode': '75112',
                'isEditable': False,
                'isManualEdition': False,
                'label': 'Best Place to be',
                'latitude': 4.34765,
                'longitude': 1.34765,
                'postalCode': '75001',
                'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy',
            'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
            'id': 304,
            'isActive': True,
            'isEditable': True,
            'isEducational': False,
            'isEvent': True,
            'isShowcase': False,
            'isThing': False,
            'name': 'The Weeknd',
            'productIsbn': None,
            'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
            'stocks': [],
            'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
            'thumbUrl': None,
            'venue': {
                'departementCode': '75',
                'id': 807,
                'isVirtual': False,
                'name': 'Best Place to be',
                'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854',
                'publicName': 'Best Place to be',
Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in should_return_offer_with_address_of_venue
    assert response.json == [
E   AssertionError: assert [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75001', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'id_oa': 742, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}}] == [{'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'id_oa': 742, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765}}]
E     At index 0 diff: {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'postalCode': '75001', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'city': 'Paris', 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765, 'departmentCode': None, 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'id_oa': 742, 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False}} != {'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False, 'id': 304, 'isActive': True, 'isEditable': True, 'isEvent': True, 'isThing': False, 'isEducational': False, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'stocks': [], 'thumbUrl': None, 'productIsbn': None, 'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT', 'venue': {'id': 807, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': 'Best Place to be', 'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854', 'publicName': 'Best Place to be', 'departementCode': '75'}, 'status': 'SOLD_OUT', 'isShowcase': False, 'address': {'id': 487, 'id_oa': 742, 'banId': '75112_0877_00001', 'inseeCode': '75112', 'label': 'Best Place to be', 'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy', 'postalCode': '75001', 'city': 'Paris', 'departmentCode': '75', 'isEditable': False, 'isManualEdition': False, 'latitude': 4.34765, 'longitude': 1.34765}}
E     Full diff:
E       [
E           {
E               'address': {
E                   'banId': '75112_0877_00001',
E                   'city': 'Paris',
E     -             'departmentCode': '75',
E     ?                               ^^^^
E     +             'departmentCode': None,
E     ?                               ^^^^
E                   'id': 487,
E                   'id_oa': 742,
E                   'inseeCode': '75112',
E                   'isEditable': False,
E                   'isManualEdition': False,
E                   'label': 'Best Place to be',
E                   'latitude': 4.34765,
E                   'longitude': 1.34765,
E                   'postalCode': '75001',
E                   'street': '4 Boulevard de Bercy',
E               },
E               'hasBookingLimitDatetimesPassed': False,
E               'id': 304,
E               'isActive': True,
E               'isEditable': True,
E               'isEducational': False,
E               'isEvent': True,
E               'isShowcase': False,
E               'isThing': False,
E               'name': 'The Weeknd',
E               'productIsbn': None,
E               'status': 'SOLD_OUT',
E               'stocks': [],
E               'subcategoryId': 'CONCERT',
E               'thumbUrl': None,
E               'venue': {
E                   'departementCode': '75',
E                   'id': 807,
E                   'isVirtual': False,
E                   'name': 'Best Place to be',
E                   'offererName': 'Le Petit Rintintin Management 854',
E                   'publicName': 'Best Place to be',
E               },
E           },
E       ]

Check failure on line 20 in tests/routes/pro/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Report


assert {'audioDisabilityCompliant': False, 'mentalDisabilityCompliant': False, 'motorDisabilityCompliant': False, 'visualDisabilityCompliant': False, 'isVirtual': False, 'name': "L'encre et la plume", 'street': '1 boulevard Poissonnière', 'bannerUrl': 'http://localhost/storage/assets/venue_default_images/erik-mclean-PFfA3xlHFbQ-unsplash_(1).png', 'contact': {'email': '[email protected]', 'website': '', 'phoneNumber': '+33102030405', 'socialMedias': {'instagram': ''}}, 'city': 'Paris', 'description': 'Will future skill statement report education mention.', 'externalAccessibilityData': {'isAccessibleMotorDisability': True, 'isAccessibleAudioDisability': True, 'isAccessibleVisualDisability': True, 'isAccessibleMentalDisability': False, 'motorDisability': {'facilities': 'Sanitaire non adapté', 'exterior': 'Chemin rendu accessible (ascenseur)', 'entrance': "Accès à l'entrée par ascenseur", 'parking': 'Stationnement adapté à proximité'}, 'audioDisability': {'deafAndHardOfHearing': ['boucle à induction magnétique portative', 'sous-titrage ou transcription simultanée']}, 'visualDisability': {'soundBeacon': 'Non renseigné', 'audioDescription': ['avec équipement occasionnel selon la programmation', "avec équipement permanent nécessitant le téléchargement d'une application sur smartphone"]}, 'mentalDisability': {'trainedPersonnel': 'Personnel non formé'}}, 'externalAccessibilityUrl': '', 'externalAccessibilityId': 'accessibility-slug', 'isPermanent': True, 'latitude': 48.87004, 'longitude': 2.3785, 'postalCode': '75000', 'publicName': "L'encre et la plume", 'openingHours': {'MONDAY': [{'open': '14:00', 'close': '19:30'}], 'TUESDAY': [{'open': '10:00', 'close': '13:00'}, {'open': '14:00', 'close': '19:30'}], 'WEDNESDAY': [{'open': '10:00', 'close': '13:00'}, {'open': '14:00', 'close': '19:30'}], 'THURSDAY': [{'open': '10:00', 'close': '13:00'}, {'open': '14:00', 'close': '19:30'}], 'FRIDAY': [{'open': '10:00', 'close': '13:00'}, {'open': '14:00', 'close': '19:30'}], 'SATURDAY': 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Raw output
tests/routes/pro/ in when_user_has_rights_on_managing_offerer
    assert response.json == expected_serialized_venue
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