Releases: parseablehq/pb
Releases · parseablehq/pb
What's Changed
- Update readme by @Koustavd18 in #54
- Update/git workflow by @Koustavd18 in #56
- Rename by @Koustavd18 in #55
- Filters api update by @Koustavd18 in #57
- fix tail by @AdheipSingh in #58
- Bump from 1.64.0 to 1.64.1 by @dependabot in #53
- Fix-61-Profiles by @AdheipSingh in #62
- Fix 60 Filters by @AdheipSingh in #63
- Fix 64 Stream Info by @AdheipSingh in #67
- Fix-65-outputs by @AdheipSingh in #66
- update query list to query api by @AdheipSingh in #68
- Add Analytics to pb by @AdheipSingh in #69
- Minor fix in README by @parmesant in #70
- Update go version by @nitisht in #74
- Installer for parseable by @AdheipSingh in #73
- update install command by @nitisht in #77
- improvement: add stream info by @AdheipSingh in #78
- generate static schema by @AdheipSingh in #76
- feat: uninstaller for Parseable installer by @AdheipSingh in #75
- add license headers by @nitisht in #79
- pb installer, uninstaller, show values and list by @AdheipSingh in #80
- Update pb installation flow by @nitisht in #81
New Contributors
- @parmesant made their first contribution in #70
Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- Fix:Url for demo server updated by @Koustavd18 in #42
- Feature:Create Saved Filter by @Koustavd18 in #44
- Ensure build flow runs on each PR by @nitisht in #45
- Add query list command to list all saved queries by @nitisht in #48
- update go version for CI by @nitisht in #49
- Confirm/delete by @Koustavd18 in #51
- fix: cleanup the query list command by @nitisht in #52
New Contributors
- @Koustavd18 made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2
What's Changed
- renamed ingester to ingestor by @nikhilsinhaparseable in #39
- fix lint and goreleaser by @nitisht in #40
New Contributors
- @nikhilsinhaparseable made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
What's Changed
- Bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 by @dependabot in #33
- Bump from 0.7.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #34
- Update the readme to include tail command by @nitisht in #35
- Fix issue with query where any query with 'where' clause panicked by @nitisht in #36
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #33
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- Fix list stream output by @nitisht in #16
- Minor text fixes by @nitisht in #17
- Readme cleanup and add screenshots by @nitisht in #18
- feat: add goreleaser for build and release steps by @mr-karan in #20
- Add CLA workflow for contributors by @nitisht in #23
- Update CLA gh action with PAT by @nitisht in #24
- Add Query Iterator for paginating select queries by @trueleo in #19
- Update rbac commands by @trueleo in #26
- Add livetail support by @nitisht in #27
- Fetch grpc url using about api by @trueleo in #28
- Update query command to output JSON by @trueleo in #29
- Update the query command to have the -i flag by @nitisht in #31
- Cleanup readme by @nitisht in #32
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
Initial release
What's Changed
- File organisation by @nitisht in #1
- Stylize command output and add help for table by @trueleo in #2
- Command cleanup by @nitisht in #3
- Update Readme by @nitisht in #4
- Update by @AdheipSingh in #5
- Add version cmd and flag by @nitisht in #9
- Add initial buildscripts, makefile by @nitisht in #10
- add missing scripts by @nitisht in #11
- fix ldflags and makefile to properly pass versions by @nitisht in #12
- Version command shows server version by @trueleo in #13
- add make based gh action by @nitisht in #14
- Fix release process and minor cleanup by @nitisht in #15
New Contributors
- @nitisht made their first contribution in #1
- @trueleo made their first contribution in #2
- @AdheipSingh made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: