pip install pygame-pgu
NOTE PGU is in need of more contributors. Email me ([email protected]) or [email protected] if you're interested in evolving the codebase.
I (jsbueno) am giving some care to this code basic, and likely making a Python-3 only release soon.
A collection of handy utilities and libraries created by Phil Hassey, released under the LGPL v2.1 (see LICENSE.txt for more details).
The current PGU code base:
Old website location:
[email protected]
tileedit -- edit tga based images
leveledit -- edit tga based levels in tile, isometric, and hexagonal formats
tganew -- create tga files
levelfancy-- prettyify your levels
gui -- gui with standard widget, dialogs, html, connections, and themes
html -- html rendering utilities
layout -- layout utilities
text -- text rendering utilities
tilevid -- sprite and tile engine
isovid -- isometric sprite and tile engine
hexvid -- hexagonal sprite and tile engine (alpha)
engine -- state engine
timer -- a timer for games with set-rate FPS
high -- high score tracking
ani -- animation helpers
algo -- helpful pathfinding algoritms
fonts -- font wrappers, bitmapped fonts
Vera.ttf is from:
see that site for more information about the font.
PS. most things citing "TGA" file format will just work with PNG and other file formats out of the box: TGA used to be the sole 32bit image format supported directly by Pygame when the codebase was created. The codebase does no verification on the filetypes or requested filenames, just foward it to Pygame - which nowadays (2024) support a lot of other image types.
To build the PGU documentation, run the build.py script found under docs:
$ cd docs
$ python build.py
$ your-favorite-browser index.html
To understand pgu.gui -- read: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/ (pgu.gui is based heavily on my HTML background)
To understand the pgu.gui default theme -- read: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/box.html (the theme uses the css 2 box model)
Example scripts can be found in the examples directory.
- gal koren -- bugs, draft of html.HTML, suggestions, bug finding, ScrollArea widget, FileDialog, List, Console
- fdarling -- testing, suggestions, bug fixing, code cleanup, menus & slider UI fixes, new Table class, reorganization of pgu.gui into a package
- richard jones -- packaging, suggestions, code cleanup
- jhofmann -- tiled preview in tileedit and PIL support
- Dr. L. Humbert -- gui.Password widget
- illume -- added auto-load features to tile & leveledit
- python -- suggestions, bug finding, bug fixing (unicode)
- Addison Hardy -- added ScrollArea to html5.py
- dang
us -- testing, suggestions - piman -- testing, suggestions
- coca-cola -- testing
- tenoften -- testing
- Joao S. O. Bueno - evolving the code base to Python3 (pygame 1.9.5)