Contains the following commands specific to the current file:
Compile - compiles the CoffeeScript and opens the JavaScript result in a new file
Compile and Run - compiles the CoffeeScript and opens the JavaScript result in Coda "Preview" inside <script></script> tags. Console output should be shown.
Compile and Run with JQuery - compiles the CoffeeScript and opens the JavaScript result in Coda "Preview". Creates a skeleton page with jQuery included from the package source in the . The current version is jquery-1.6.1.min.
Here is a sample of the output:
jQuery -> $('body').prepend "
Hot Coffee!!
"compiles to:
<script src="file://///Users/XXXXX/Library/Application Support/Coda/Plug-ins/CoffeeScript.codaplugin/Contents/Resources/D045B81C-A3ED-47B1-A5E7-3C2216B695EA/Support Files/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"> </script> <script> (function() { jQuery(function() { return $('body').prepend("Hot Coffee!!
"); }); }).call(this); </script>
To install via Git:
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Coda/Plug-ins
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Coda/Plug-ins
git clone [email protected]:parkerl/CoffeeScript.codaplugin.git
Then restart Coda.
Source can be viewed or forked via GitHub:
Coda plugin by Lew Parker