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Anatomy of a ramp kit

Balazs Kegl edited this page Oct 31, 2017 · 3 revisions

The base directory of any ramp-kit should look like

├── (optional)
├── requirements.txt
├── <ramp_kit_name>_starting_kit.ipynb
├── data
└── submissions
  • brief description of the ramp-kit subject with a link to the notebook.

  • Python script to download the data from our server.

    To retrieve the data open a terminal and run

    $ python
  • main Python script.

    This file uses building blocks from ramp-workflow to parametrize the setup of the given problem. It may use more complex workflows or cross-validation schemes, but this complexity is usually hidden in the implementation of ramp-workflow elements, the goal being to keep as simple as possible.

  • requirements.txt: text file containing the required Python libraries to run the starting-kit locally.

    To install them (using a virtual environment is preferred), run in a terminal

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • <ramp_kit_name>_starting_kit.ipynb: Jupyter notebook that describes the predictive problem.

    It also presents the data set, the workflow, and usually some exploratory analysis and data visualization.

  • data: directory storing the local train and test files used to run ramp_test_submission.

    When cloning a ramp-kit, the data may not be included in the repository. In such occurence, use the available download script to retrieve it.

  • submissions: directory containing the workflow elements the participants are expected to implement.

    Every ramp-kit comes with a starting_kit: a working implementation of the pipeline elements to serve as an exemple for the participants. These are used in the notebook to provide an end-to-end example of a fully working pipeline.

    ├── submissions
    │   ├── starting_kit
    │       ├── <file1>.py
    │       └── <file2>.py
    │   └── <your_first_submission>
    │       ├── <file1>.py
    │       └── <file2>.py

    Each submission written by a participant shall consist of a new directory within submissions. The name of this new directory will serve as the ID for the submission. This directory must contain the same filenames as the starting_kit.