In this setup, Spinnaker runs on an EC2 instance. Code is edited on the laptop and then synced to the EC2 instance for testing.
- Laptop
- Deployment Region
- Development Region
- Development Instance
- Test Changes
- Sync From Upstream
- Troubleshooting Common Issues
Create forks of all the Spinnaker microservices on GitHub:
Clone them onto your laptop:
./ {your github user} ~/code/spinnaker
Set up IntelliJ:
Provision infrastructure in the region that will be available in Spinnaker to deploy ECS services. This can be different from the region where your development instance will live. For example, a Spinnaker instance running in us-west-2 can deploy to ECS services in eu-central-1.
Provision a deployment VPC, with the correct tags on the subnets that Spinnaker will recognize:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-deployment-vpc.yml --region eu-central-1 --stack-name SpinnakerVPC
Provision some roles for Spinnaker:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-roles.yml --region us-west-2 --stack-name SpinnakerRoles --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
In the AWS console, create a key pair. In the default VPC, create a security group named "SpinnakerDev" and add a rule allowing port 22 inbound for a restricted set of IPs (for example, corporate firewall ranges). Then, provision a development instance:
key_pair_name="{ec2 key name}"
vpc_id=`aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region us-west-2 --filters Name=isDefault,Values=true --query 'Vpcs[0].VpcId' --output text`
subnet_id=`aws ec2 describe-subnets --region us-west-2 --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$vpc_id" "Name=default-for-az,Values=true" --query 'Subnets[0].SubnetId' --output text`
security_group_id=`aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region us-west-2 --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$vpc_id" "Name=group-name,Values=SpinnakerDev" --query 'SecurityGroups[0].GroupId' --output=text`
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-dev-instance.yml --region us-west-2 --stack-name SpinnakerDevInstance --parameter-overrides EC2KeyPairName=$key_pair_name SubnetId=$subnet_id SecurityGroupId=$security_group_id
Get your instance's DNS name and login via SSH:
spinnaker_instance=`aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-west-2 --stack-name SpinnakerDevInstance --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' --output text`
ssh -A -L 9000:localhost:9000 -L 8084:localhost:8084 -L 8087:localhost:8087 ubuntu@$spinnaker_instance -i /path/to/my-key-pair.pem
Follow the GitHub instructions to generate a new SSH key on the Spinnaker instance and add it to your GitHub account.
Install dependencies:
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install stable
npm install -g yarn
curl -O
sudo bash
source ~/.bashrc
hal -v
Configure and deploy the Spinnaker installation:
# Store state in S3 and deploy a recent stable version
hal config storage s3 edit --region us-west-2
hal config storage edit --type s3
hal config version edit --version 1.13.0
hal deploy apply (if this does not work, try `sudo hal deploy apply`)
sudo service apache2 stop
sudo systemctl disable apache2
# Workaround:
echo > ~/.hal/default/profiles/settings-local.js
# Clone repos from your GitHub account
hal config deploy edit --type localgit --git-origin-user={your github username}
hal config version edit --version branch:master
# Connect your AWS and ECS accounts
// Replace the account id specified below (123456789012) with your own account id.
hal config provider aws account add my-aws-devel-acct \
--account-id 123456789012 \
--assume-role role/SpinnakerManaged
hal config provider aws account edit my-aws-devel-acct --regions eu-central-1
hal config provider aws enable
hal config provider ecs account add ecs-my-aws-devel-acct --aws-account my-aws-devel-acct
hal config provider ecs enable
# Connect your Docker registries
hal config provider docker-registry enable
hal config provider docker-registry account add my-dockerhub-devel-acct \
--address \
--repositories {your dockerhub username}/{your dockerhub repository} \
--username {your dockerhub username} \
--password \
--track-digests true
// Replace the address specified below ( with the address to your own ecr repository.
hal config provider docker-registry account add my-eu-central-1-devel-registry \
--address \
--username AWS \
--password-command "aws --region eu-central-1 ecr get-authorization-token --output text --query 'authorizationData[].authorizationToken' | base64 -d | sed 's/^AWS://'" \
--track-digests true
# Deploy everything
hal deploy apply (if you used `sudo hal deploy apply` to start spinnaker, then you should use `sudo hal deploy apply` here as well)
Wait for Clouddriver to start up by checking the logs in ~/dev/spinnaker/logs/clouddriver.log.
You should now be able to reach the Spinnaker interface at http://localhost:9000. See for instructions on how to create a sample Spinnaker pipeline.
Retrieve the instance's DNS name:
spinnaker_instance=`aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region us-west-2 --stack-name SpinnakerDevInstance --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' --output text`
Sync your changes to the development instance:
rsync --progress -a -e "ssh -i /path/to/my-key-pair.pem" --exclude='*/build/' --exclude='*/.idea/' --exclude='*/out/' --exclude='*/.gradle/' ~/code/spinnaker/ ubuntu@$spinnaker_instance:/home/ubuntu/dev/spinnaker
ssh ubuntu@$spinnaker_instance 'for i in ~/dev/spinnaker/*; do (cd $i && echo $i && git checkout master && git clean -fdx); done'
Login to the instance, deploy the changes, and check for build or service failures:
ssh -A -L 9000:localhost:9000 -L 8084:localhost:8084 -L 8087:localhost:8087 ubuntu@$spinnaker_instance -i /path/to/my-key-pair.pem
hal deploy apply
(or for individual service changes: hal deploy apply --service-names=clouddriver,deck)
cd ~/dev/spinnaker/logs
Test your changes manually at http://localhost:9000.
Add the following to your laptop's .bashrc file
sync-from-upstream() {
for i in ./*; do
(cd $i && echo $i && git checkout master && git pull --rebase upstream master && git push origin upstream/master:master)
Then regularly run sync-from-upstream
in ~/code/spinnaker to keep your local repos and GitHub forks in sync with upstream Spinnaker.
To expedite development of deck (or to add ad-hoc console.log statements for debugging), it's possible to run the app on your local machine and connect to the services on your development instance over SSH.
After forking and pulling down
locally, install dependencies withyarn
(see README) -
withyarn run start
- Windows users can circumvent the bash start up script by running it directly with npm:
npm run start-dev-server
- Windows users can circumvent the bash start up script by running it directly with npm:
Open separate terminal and SSH into your development instance:
ssh -A -L 8084:localhost:8084 -L 8087:localhost:8087 ubuntu@$spinnaker_instance -i /path/to/my-key-pair.pem
- Access local deck on
. Changes made & saved to your local app will prompt the app to refresh.
NOTE: feature flags that would be set as environment variables on your development instance can be manually turned on/off in local deck by setting them in settings.js
See for instructions on how to debug common issues.