This is a minimal Sinatra App to interface with Amazing Marvin Habit API.
Important - This is low level stuff. Use at your own risk: any bug in the code or any unexpected changes in Amazing Marvin's internal data structures can destroy your data. Always backup your data.
The following environment variables need to be configured:
They can be easily obtained from Amazing Marvin's settings page. You do not need to configure the API_TOKEN and FULL_ACCESS_TOKEN variables.
Returns a JSON file including all the habits present in Marvin's Cloudant database. This includes the name of the Habit and its internal id. You can parse this file with a tool like jq:
curl https://<>/habits | jq '.docs[] | [._id, .title]'
Returns a JSON file including the data for a specific id. Use this to double check the specific ID of the habit you are trying to bump.
This downloads the habit information from Amazing Marvin database, inserts a new ocurrence and uploads the information, effectively bumping the habit. Upon hitting this endpoint, you should see Amazing Marvin's updating the habit in realtime in the "Today's Habits" screen.
Note: although this technically should be a POST request, I've decide to use a GET in order to facilitate integration with other tools.