Slides and handwritten notes of my online course on models of programming languages at the Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique. You will find here a general description of the course which I teach with Thomas Ehrhard and Michele Pagani.
You may have access to the videos, slides and handwritten notes of the course here:
Lesson A: general introduction to the course [slides]
Lesson B: simply-typed lambda-calculus, cartesian closed categories [slides]
Lesson C: domains and continuous functions [notes]
Lesson 1: cartesian closed categories, adjunctions [video] [notes]
Lesson 2: interpretation of the lambda-calculus [video] [notes-ccc] [td] [notes-mon]
Lesson 3: coherence spaces, monoidal categories [video] [notes]
Lesson 4: linear logic, star-autonomous categories [video] [notes]
Lesson 5: the exponential modality of linear logic [video][notes]
TD: from stable functions to coherence spaces [td]