RxCurrying is a library to allow currying on RxJava function primitives.
For the RxJava 2.X version, please go to RxCurrying2.
RxCurrying contains two classes, RxCurryingAction
and RxCurryingFunc
. Each contains a set of curry()
methods to do split any function into its curried version. Curried methods allows calling them one parameter at a time, and execute them at the end. For example, a Func3<A, B, C, R>
becomes a Func1<A, Func1<B, Func1<C, R>>>
, or an Action4<A, B, C, D>
becomes Func1<A, Func1<B, Func1<C, Action1<D>>>
Function to print the sum of two numbers:
Func1<Integer, Action1<Integer>> adder = RxCurryingAction.curry((int first, int second) -> { System.out.print(first + second); });
Action1<Integer> intermediate = adder.call(3);
intermediate.call(2); // prints 5
Append 5 strings:
Func1<String, Func1<String, Func1<String, Func1<String, Func1<String, String>>>>> appender = RxCurryingFunc.curry((String first, String second, String third, String fourth, String fifth) -> { return first + second + third + fourth + fifth; );
Func1<String, String> intermediate = appender.call("Hello ").call("This ").call("Is ").call("Curried ");
String value = last.call("Func"); // value == "Hello This is Curried Func"
Add as a dependency to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.pakoito:RxCurrying:1.1.0'
or to your pom.xml
Copyright (c) pakoito 2016
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0