This plugin provides a javascript interface for native implementations of the PBKDF2 algorithm on iOS and Android.
The iOS implementation uses the CommonCrypto
module while the Android implemenation
Simply add through the cordova cli:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-pbkdf2
The plugin adds the pbkdf2
function to the global scope:
"password", // the password
"X1oXfKeBOw08ahdSFjeP2Q==", // Base64-encoded salt
iterations: 100000, // number of iterations to be used (default: 10000)
keySize: 512, // desired key size (supported values: 256, 512, default: 256)
(key) => console.log(key), // Success callback. Single argument is the Base64-encoded derived key
(err) => console.error(err), // Error callback
The function also returns a promise if the Promise
constructor is found. Otherwise it returns undefined