A tool for managing personal health records using plain text. Inspired by the principles of plain text accounting.
The main idea is to maintain your own health records in a text file that can be privately stored in your computer and versioned on a private git repository. The included command line tool can query and plot the data.
Records can be entered by hand using a text editor or imported from your own account from online services like Apple Health, Withings, Strava, etc. The import process can be automated.
Health records can include:
- body metrics: weight, height, blood pressure, heart rate
- lab results: blood work, cholesterol levels, glucose
- immunization: flu vaccine doses, covid-19 vaccine doses
- medications, eye glasses prescription
- diagnostics and conditions
- procedures
- fitness records: workouts, relative effort, average heart rate
Sample health records:
2020-06-07 08:11:00 r 'import from withings - grp 1'
body.weight 166.34
body.fat.mass 21.61
body.fat.ratio 12.99
body.fat-free.mass 144.73
body.muscle.mass 133.07
body.bone.mass 66.54
body.water 99.8
2020-06-08 00:00:00 r 'import from withings - grp 4'
body.heart.rate 76
body.heart.pwv 5.6
Sample command to generate a graph with some health data:
phr plot body.weight
pip install health-records
I'm an active user of the great text-based accounting software beancount by Martin Blais. Some of the ideas in beancount
have been an inspiration for health-records
Copyright (C) 2021 Paco Gómez. All Rights Reserved.
This code is distributed under the terms of the "GNU GPLv3 only". See LICENSE file for details.
Paco Gómez [email protected]