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Allerths bageri

A website made with Astro and Tailwind CSS.

Allerths herb bakery


Install Node.js 20 and pnpm 9.

git clone && \
cd && \
pnpm i && \
pnpm dev

Email Spam Protection

  1. Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env.
  2. Add your email to PUBLIC_EMAIL in .env.
  3. Add a strong random password to encrypt/decrypt your email to PUBLIC_PASSWORD in .env.
  4. Open a terminal and run pnpm encrypt:email. Then copy the output (make sure you get every character) and add it to PUBLIC_PAYLOAD in .env.
  5. Now, the email should be accessible in the <EncryptedEmail /> component. Easily available for users, but most basic spam bots will not be able to extract the email.