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Get the authenticated user profiles

CAS in the cloud LELEU Jérôme edited this page Oct 11, 2022 · 4 revisions

1) Using the HttpServletRequest

pac4j takes care of populating the HttpServletRequest with security information. In particular it is possible to retrieve a Principal via getUserPrincipal() (or simply its name, i.e., username or id, via getRemoteUser()) and checks the user's roles via isUserInRole().

2) Using the ProfileManager

Alternatively, you can get the profile of the authenticated user using the ProfileManager (or SpringSecurity(Reactive)ProfileManager in a Spring Security (reactive) webapp or ShiroProfileManager in a Shiro webapp).

>> Read the documentation of the ProfileManager component.


WebContext context = new JEEContext(request, response);
SessionStore sessionStore = JEESessionStoreFactory.INSTANCE.newSessionStore(request, response);
ProfileManager manager = new ProfileManager(context, sessionStore);
Optional<UserProfile> profile = manager.getProfile();

or using CDI (JEE):

public class ProfileView {

    private WebContext webContext;

    private SessionStore sessionStore;

    private ProfileManager profileManager;

    public Object getProfile() {
        return profileManager.getProfile().orElse(null);