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Alternative representation of GreenFunction boundaries in plots (#255)
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* distinguish between null and unspecified selectors

more fastpaths and tests

* try boundary as cell overlay

* boundaries plotted as cells

* fix 1D and green_boundingbox, add boxes over boundary sites,
  • Loading branch information
pablosanjose authored Mar 7, 2024
1 parent 39e41aa commit e2c81b4
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Binary file modified docs/src/assets/multiterminal.png
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tutorial/
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Expand Up @@ -191,6 +191,8 @@ julia> qplot(g, children = (; selector = siteselector(; cells = 1:5), sitecolor

Note that since we did not specify the `solver` in `greenfunction`, the `L=0` default `GS.SparseLU()` was taken.

We can also visualize `glead`, which is defined on a 1D lattice with a boundary. Boundary cells are shown by default in red

!!! tip "The GreenFunction <-> AbstractHamiltonian relation"
Its important un appreciate that a `g::GreenFunction` represents the retarded Green function between sites in a given `AbstractHamiltonian`, but not on sites of the coupled `AbstractHamiltonians` of its attached self-energies. Therefore, `gcentral` above cannot yield observables in the leads (blue sites above), only on the red sites. To obtain observables in a given lead, its `GreenFunction` must be constructed, with an attached self-energy coming from the central region plus the other three leads.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/tutorial/
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Expand Up @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Integrator: Complex-plane integrator
Contact : 1
Number of phase shifts : 0

julia> qplot(g)
julia> qplot(g, children = (; sitecolor = :blue))
```@raw html
<img src="../../assets/josephson_lat.png" alt="Josephson junction" width="400" class="center"/>
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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions ext/QuanticaMakieExt/docstrings.jl
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Expand Up @@ -56,13 +56,20 @@ Render a finite subset of sites in a lattice and its Bravais vectors.
Render the lattice on which `h` is defined, together with all hoppings in the form of
inter-site links.
plotlattice(h::GreenFunction; kw...)
Render the lattice on which `h` is defined, together with all hoppings in the form of
inter-site links, and a representation of contacts.
## Keywords
- `flat = true`: whether to render sites and hops as flat circles and lines, or as 3D meshes
- `force_transparency = false`: whether to disable occlusion of all non-transparent elements
- `force_transparency = false`: whether to disable occlusion of all non-transparent elements. Useful in case `inspector` tooltips are occluded.
- `shellopacity = 0.07`: opacity of elements surrounding the unitcell or the set of selected sites (dubbed "shell")
- `cellopacity = 0.03`: opacity of the unitcell's boundingbox
- `cellcolor = RGBAf(0,0,1)`: color of the unitcell's boundingbox
- `boundarycolor = RGBAf(1,0,0)`: color of boundary cells for GreenFunction plots
- `boundaryopacity = 0.07`: opacity of boundary cells for GreenFunction plots
- `sitecolor = missing`: color of sites, as a index in `sitecolormap`, a named color, a `Makie.Colorant`, or as a site shader (see below). If `missing`, cycle through `sitecolormap`.
- `sitecolormap = :Spectral_9`: colormap to use for `sitecolor` (see options in
- `siteopacity = missing`: opacity of sites, as a real between 0 and 1, or as a site shader (see below). If `missing`, obey `shellopacity`.
Expand All @@ -79,7 +86,8 @@ inter-site links.
- `minmaxhopradius = (0, 0.1)`: if `hopdradius` is a shader, minimum and maximum hop radius.
- `hopdarken = 0.85`: darkening factor for hops
- `selector = missing`: an optional `siteselector(; sites...)` to filter which sites are shown (see `siteselector`)
- `hide = (:cell,)`: collection of elements to hide, to choose from `(:hops, :sites, :hops, :bravais, :cell, :axes, :shell, :all)`. It can also be an empty collection or `nothing` to show all elements.
- `hide = (:cell,)`: collection of elements to hide, to choose from `(:hops, :sites, :hops, :bravais, :cell, :axes, :shell, :boundary, :contacts, :all)`. It can also be an empty collection or `nothing` to show all elements.
- `children = missing`: collection of `NamedTuple`s of any of the above keywords to be applied (cyclically) to contacts in GreenFunction plots
## Shaders
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140 changes: 90 additions & 50 deletions ext/QuanticaMakieExt/plotlattice.jl
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shellopacity = 0.07,
cellopacity = 0.03,
cellcolor = RGBAf(0,0,1),
boundarycolor = RGBAf(1,0,0),
boundaryopacity = 0.07,
sitecolor = missing, # accepts (i, r) -> float, IndexableObservable
siteopacity = missing, # accepts (i, r) -> float, IndexableObservable
minmaxsiteradius = (0.0, 0.5),
siteradius = 0.2, # accepts (i, r) -> float, IndexableObservable
siteradiusfactor = 1.0, # independent multiplier to apply to siteradius
siteoutline = 2,
siteoutlinedarken = 0.6,
sitedarken = 0.0,
Expand All @@ -25,7 +28,7 @@
hopcolormap = :Spectral_9,
hoppixels = 2,
selector = missing,
hide = :cell, # :hops, :sites, :bravais, :cell, :axes, :shell, :all
hide = :cell, # :hops, :sites, :bravais, :cell, :axes, :shell, :boundary, :contacts, :all
isAxis3 = false, # for internal use, to fix marker scaling
marker = :auto,
children = missing,
Expand All @@ -50,32 +53,6 @@ end

Quantica.qplot!(x::PlotLatticeArgumentType; kw...) = plotlattice!(x; kw...)

function green_selector(g)
mincell, maxcell = green_bounding_box(g)
s = siteselector(cells = n -> all(mincell .<= n .<= maxcell))
return s

not_boundary_selector(g) = siteselector(cells = n -> !isboundarycell(n, g))

green_bounding_box(g) =
broaden_bounding_box(Quantica.boundingbox(g), Quantica.boundaries(g)...)

function broaden_bounding_box((mincell, maxcell)::Tuple{SVector{N},SVector{N}}, (dir, cell), bs...) where {N}
isfinite(cell) || return (mincell, maxcell)
mincell´ = SVector(ntuple(i -> i == dir ? min(mincell[i], cell + 1) : mincell[i], Val(N)))
maxcell´ = SVector(ntuple(i -> i == dir ? max(maxcell[i], cell - 1) : maxcell[i], Val(N)))
return mincell´, maxcell´

broaden_bounding_box(bb) = bb

isboundarycell(n, g) = any(((dir, cell),) -> n[dir] == cell, Quantica.boundaries(g))

get_plottables_and_kws(Σp::Tuple) = (Σp, NamedTuple())
get_plottables_and_kws(Σp::Quantica.FrankenTuple) = (Tuple(Σp), NamedTuple(Σp))
get_plottables_and_kws(Σp) = ((Σp,), NamedTuple())


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,28 +487,46 @@ end

function Makie.plot!(plot::PlotLattice{Tuple{G}}) where {G<:GreenFunction}
g = to_value(plot[1])
Σkws = Iterators.cycle(parse_children(plot[:children]))
Σs = Quantica.selfenergies(Quantica.contacts(g))
bsel = not_boundary_selector(g)
# plot lattice
gsel = haskey(plot, :selector) && plot[:selector][] !== missing ?
plot[:selector][] : green_selector(g)
h = hamiltonian(g)
latslice = lattice(h)[gsel]
latslice´ = Quantica.growdiff(latslice, h)
latslice´ = latslice´[bsel]
latslice = latslice[bsel]
hideh = Quantica.tupleflatten(:cell, :bravais, plot[:hide][])
plotkw´´ = (; hopopacity = 0.2, siteopacity = 0.2, shellopacity = 0.07, plot.attributes...,
hide = hideh)
plotlattice!(plot, h, latslice, latslice´; plotkw´´...)
L = Quantica.latdim(h)
squaremarker = !plot[:flat][] ? Rect3f(Vec3f(-0.5), Vec3f(1)) : Rect2

# plot boundary as cells
if !ishidden((:boundary, :boundaries), plot)
bsel = boundary_selector(g)
blatslice = latslice[bsel]
blatslice´ = latslice´[bsel]
if L > 1
bkws = (; plot.attributes..., hide = (:axes, :sites, :hops), cellcolor = :boundarycolor, cellopacity = :boundaryopacity)
isempty(blatslice) || plotlattice!(plot, blatslice; bkws...)
isempty(blatslice´) || plotlattice!(plot, blatslice´; bkws...)
hideB = Quantica.tupleflatten(:bravais, plot[:hide][])
bkws´ = (; plot.attributes..., hide = hideB, sitecolor = :boundarycolor, siteopacity = :boundaryopacity,
siteradiusfactor = sqrt(2), marker = squaremarker)
isempty(blatslice) || plotlattice!(plot, blatslice; bkws´...)
isempty(blatslice´) || plotlattice!(plot, blatslice´; bkws´...)


# plot cells
plotlattice!(plot, h, latslice, latslice´; plot.attributes...)

# plot contacts
for (Σ, Σkw) in zip(Σs, Σkws)
Σplottables = Quantica.selfenergy_plottables(Σ, bsel)
marker = !plot[:flat][] ? Rect3f(Vec3f(-0.5), Vec3f(1)) : Rect2
for Σp in Σplottables
plottables, kws = get_plottables_and_kws(Σp)
plotlattice!(plot, plottables...; plot.attributes..., marker, kws..., Σkw...)
if !ishidden((:contact, :contacts), plot)
Σkws = Iterators.cycle(parse_children(plot[:children]))
Σs = Quantica.selfenergies(Quantica.contacts(g))
hideΣ = Quantica.tupleflatten(:bravais, plot[:hide][])
for (Σ, Σkw) in zip(Σs, Σkws)
Σplottables = Quantica.selfenergy_plottables(Σ)
for Σp in Σplottables
plottables, kws = get_plottables_and_kws(Σp)
plotlattice!(plot, plottables...; plot.attributes..., hide = hideΣ, marker = squaremarker, kws..., Σkw...)
return plot
Expand All @@ -557,9 +552,54 @@ function joint_colors_radii_update!(p, p´, plot)
return nothing

# green_selector and boundary_selector: sites plotted for green functions

function green_selector(g)
mincell, maxcell = green_bounding_box(g)
s = siteselector(cells = n -> all(mincell .<= n .<= maxcell))
return s

boundary_selector(g) = siteselector(cells = n -> isboundarycell(n, g))

function green_bounding_box(g)
L = Quantica.latdim(hamiltonian(g))
return isempty(Quantica.contacts(g)) ?
boundary_bounding_box(Val(L), Quantica.boundaries(g)...) :
broaden_bounding_box(Quantica.boundingbox(g), Quantica.boundaries(g)...)

function broaden_bounding_box((mincell, maxcell)::Tuple{SVector{N},SVector{N}}, (dir, cell), bs...) where {N}
isfinite(cell) || return (mincell, maxcell)
mincell´ = SVector(ntuple(i -> i == dir ? min(mincell[i], cell + 1) : mincell[i], Val(N)))
maxcell´ = SVector(ntuple(i -> i == dir ? max(maxcell[i], cell - 1) : maxcell[i], Val(N)))
return broaden_bounding_box((mincell´, maxcell´), bs...)

broaden_bounding_box(mm::Tuple) = mm

function boundary_bounding_box(::Val{L}, (dir, cell), bs...) where {L}
m = SVector(ntuple(i -> i == dir ? cell + 1 : 0, Val(L)))
return broaden_bounding_box((m, m), bs...)

isboundarycell(n, g) = any(((dir, cell),) -> n[dir] == cell, Quantica.boundaries(g))

get_plottables_and_kws(Σp::Tuple) = (Σp, NamedTuple())
get_plottables_and_kws(Σp::Quantica.FrankenTuple) = (Tuple(Σp), NamedTuple(Σp))
get_plottables_and_kws(Σp) = ((Σp,), NamedTuple())


# core plotting methods

function plotsites_shaded!(plot::PlotLattice, sp::SitePrimitives, transparency)
inspector_label = (self, i, r) -> sp.tooltips[i]
sizefactor = 1.0
sizefactor = plot[:siteradiusfactor][]
if plot[:marker][] == :auto # circle markers
marker = (;)
Expand All @@ -574,10 +614,11 @@ function plotsites_shaded!(plot::PlotLattice, sp::SitePrimitives, transparency)
return plot

function plotsites_flat!(plot::PlotLattice, sp::SitePrimitives, transparency)
function plotsites_flat!(plot::PlotLattice, sp::SitePrimitives{E}, transparency) where {E}
inspector_label = (self, i, r) -> sp.tooltips[i]
sizefactor = ifelse(plot[:isAxis3][] && plot[:flat][], 0.5, sqrt(2))
if plot[:marker][] == :auto # circle markers
sizefactor = ifelse(plot[:isAxis3][] && plot[:flat][], 0.5, sqrt(2)) * plot[:siteradiusfactor][]

if plot[:marker][] == :auto # default circular markers
marker = (;)
marker = (; marker = plot[:marker][])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -632,9 +673,8 @@ function plotbravais!(plot::PlotLattice, lat::Lattice{<:Any,E,L}, latslice) wher
arrows!(plot, [r0], [v]; color, inspectable = false)

if !ishidden((:cell, :cells), plot) && L > 1
cellcolor = plot[:cellcolor][]
cellcolor = parse(RGBAf, plot[:cellcolor][])
colface = transparent(cellcolor, plot[:cellopacity][])
coledge = transparent(cellcolor, 5 * plot[:cellopacity][])
rect = Rect{L,Int}(Point{L,Int}(0), Point{L,Int}(1))
Expand All @@ -646,7 +686,7 @@ function plotbravais!(plot::PlotLattice, lat::Lattice{<:Any,E,L}, latslice) wher
mrect = GeometryBasics.mesh(rect, pointtype=Point{E,Float32}, facetype=QuadFace{Int})
vertices = mrect.position
vertices .= Ref(r0) .+ Ref(mat) .* (vertices0 .+ Ref(cell))
mesh!(plot, mrect; color = colface, transparency = true, inspectable = false)
mesh!(plot, mrect; color = colface, transparency = true, shading = NoShading, inspectable = false)
wireframe!(plot, mrect; color = coledge, transparency = true, strokewidth = 1, inspectable = false)
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darken(colors::Vector, v = 0.66) = darken.(colors, Ref(v))

transparent(rgba::RGBAf, v = 0.5) = RGBAf(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, rgba.alpha * v)
transparent(rgba::RGBAf, v = 0.5) = RGBAf(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, clamp(rgba.alpha * v, 0f0, 1f0))

maybedim(color, dn, dimming) = iszero(dn) ? color : transparent(color, 1 - dimming)

Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ has_transparencies(::Missing) = false
has_transparencies(x) = true

function resolve_cross_references!(plot::PlotLattice)
names = (:shellopacity, :siteopacity, :hopopacity, :cellopacity, :sitecolor, :hopcolor, :siteradius, :hopradius)
names = (:shellopacity, :siteopacity, :hopopacity, :cellcolor, :cellopacity,
:boundarycolor, :boundaryopacity, :sitecolor, :hopcolor, :siteradius, :hopradius)
for name in names
property = plot[name][]
if property isa Symbol && property in names
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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/show.jl
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Expand Up @@ -96,20 +96,23 @@ function print_selector(io::IO, s::SiteSelector)
i = get(io, :indent, "")
"$(i) Region : $(s.region === missing ? "any" : "Function")
$(i) Sublattices : $(s.sublats === missing ? "any" : s.sublats)
$(i) Cells : $(s.cells === missing ? "any" : s.cells)")
$(i) Sublattices : $(s.sublats === missing ? "any" : display_maybe_function(s.sublats))
$(i) Cells : $(s.cells === missing ? "any" : display_maybe_function(s.cells))")

function print_selector(io::IO, s::HopSelector)
i = get(io, :indent, "")
"$(i) Region : $(s.region === missing ? "any" : "Function")
$(i) Sublattice pairs : $(s.sublats === missing ? "any" : s.sublats)
$(i) Cell distances : $(s.dcells === missing ? "any" : s.dcells)
$(i) Sublattice pairs : $(s.sublats === missing ? "any" : display_maybe_function(s.sublats))
$(i) Cell distances : $(s.dcells === missing ? "any" : display_maybe_function(s.dcells))
$(i) Hopping range : $(displayrange(s.range))
$(i) Reverse hops : $(s.adjoint)")

display_maybe_function(::Function) = "Function"
display_maybe_function(x) = x


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8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/solvers/selfenergy.jl
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# applied (e.g. SelfEnergyModelSolver). Otherwise one must assume that any parent
# ParametricHamiltonian to GreenFunction has already been call!-ed before calling s.
# Optional: AbstractSelfEnergySolver's can also implement `selfenergy_plottables`
# - selfenergy_plottables(s::AbstractSelfEnergySolver, parent_latslice, boundary_sel)
# - selfenergy_plottables(s::AbstractSelfEnergySolver, parent_latslice)
# -> collection of tuples to be passed to plotlattice!(axis, tup...) for visualization

Expand All @@ -22,12 +22,10 @@
# SelfEnergy wraps the corresponding SelfEnergySolver, be it Regular or Extended

selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergy, boundaryselector) =
selfenergy_plottables(s.solver, orbslice(s), boundaryselector)
selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergy) = selfenergy_plottables(s.solver, orbslice(s))

# fallback
selfenergy_plottables(s::AbstractSelfEnergySolver, parent_latslice, boundaryselector) =
selfenergy_plottables(s::AbstractSelfEnergySolver, parent_latslice) = (parent_latslice,)

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/solvers/selfenergy/generic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ minimal_callsafe_copy(s::SelfEnergyGenericSolver) =
copy(s.V´g), copy(s.Σ))

function selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergyGenericSolver, ls::LatticeSlice, bsel::SiteSelector)
p1 = ftuple(s.hcoupling)
p2 = ls[bsel]
function selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergyGenericSolver, ls::LatticeSlice)
p1 = s.hcoupling
p2 = ls
return (p1, p2)

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/solvers/selfenergy/schur.jl
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Expand Up @@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ minimal_callsafe_copy(s::SelfEnergySchurSolver) =
SelfEnergySchurSolver(minimal_callsafe_copy(s.fsolver), minimal_callsafe_copy(s.hlead),
s.isleftside, s.boundary, s.leadtoparent)

function selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergySchurSolver, ls::LatticeSlice, bsel::SiteSelector)
p1 = s.hlead, lattice(s.hlead)[cells = SA[1]]
p2 = (ls[bsel], )
function selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergySchurSolver, ls::LatticeSlice)
p1 = ftuple(s.hlead; selector = siteselector(cells = SA[1]))
p2 = (ls, )
return p1, p2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,10 +233,10 @@ minimal_callsafe_copy(s::SelfEnergyCouplingSchurSolver) =

function selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergyCouplingSchurSolver, ls::LatticeSlice, bsel::SiteSelector)
function selfenergy_plottables(s::SelfEnergyCouplingSchurSolver, ls::LatticeSlice)
p1 = ftuple(s.hcoupling; hide = :sites)
p2 = hamiltonian(s.gunit)
p3 = ls[bsel]
p3 = ls
return (p1, p2, p3)

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/test_plots.jl
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glead = LP.honeycomb() |> hopping(1, range = 1) |> supercell((1,-1), region = r -> 0<=r[2]<=5) |> attach(nothing, cells = SA[5]) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));
g = LP.honeycomb() |> hopping(1) |> supercell(region = r -> -6<=r[1]<=6 && 0<=r[2]<=5) |> attach(glead, region = r -> r[1] > 4.9) |> greenfunction;
@test qplot(g, shellopacity = 0.3) isa Figure
hlead = LP.square() |> supercell((1,0), region = r -> 0 <= r[2] < 2) |> hopping(1)
glead = LP.square() |> onsite(4) - hopping(1) |> supercell((1, 0), region = r -> abs(r[2]) <= 5/2) |> attach(nothing, cells = SA[2]) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = -2))
@test qplot(glead, siteradius = 0.25, children = (; sitecolor = :blue)) isa Figure
g = LP.honeycomb() |> hopping(1, range = 1) |>
attach(nothing, region =, SA[2,3])) |> attach(nothing, region =, SA[3,-3])) |>
greenfunction(GS.Bands(subdiv(-π, π, 13), subdiv(-π, π, 13), boundary = 2=>-3))
@test qplot(g) isa Figure

@testset "plot bands" begin
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