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Merge pull request #116 from pablosanjose/currentplot
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Currents and Densities in vlplot
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pablosanjose authored Oct 14, 2020
2 parents 2125305 + c4c5ad2 commit d47f8a1
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Showing 2 changed files with 177 additions and 74 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ function nonzero_indices(h::Hamiltonian, rowrange = 1:size(h, 1), colrange = 1:s
return gen

function nonzero_indices(har::HamiltonianHarmonic, rowrange = 1:size(h, 1), colrange = 1:size(h, 2))
function nonzero_indices(har::HamiltonianHarmonic, rowrange = 1:size(har, 1), colrange = 1:size(har, 2))
rowrange´ = rclamp(rowrange, 1:size(har, 1))
colrange´ = rclamp(colrange, 1:size(har, 2))
gen = ((rowvals(har.h)[ptr], col)
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249 changes: 176 additions & 73 deletions src/plot_vegalite.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,98 @@
using .VegaLite

export DensityShader, CurrentShader

# Shaders
struct CurrentShader{K,T}

CurrentShader(axis = 0; kernel = 1, transform = identity)
Construct a `CurrentShader` object that can be used in `vlplot(h, psi; ...)` to visualize
the current of a state `psi` along a given `axis` under Hamiltonian `h`, optionally
transformed by `transform`. An `axis = 0` represent the norm of the current.
The current along a link `i=>k` is defined as
j_ki = (r[k][axis]-r[i][axis]) * imag(psi[k]' * h[k,i] * kernel * psi[j])
The current at a site `i` is the sum of links incident on that site
j_i = ∑_k j_ki
The visualized current is `transform(j_ki)` and `transform(j_i)`, respectively.
CurrentShader(axis = 0; kernel = 1, transform = identity) =
CurrentShader(axis, kernel, transform)

struct DensityShader{K,T}

DensityShader(kernel = 1, transform = identity)
Construct a `DensityShader` object that can be used in `vlplot(h, psi; ...)` to visualize
the density of a state `psi`, optionally transformed by `transform`.
The visualized density at a site `i` is defined as
ρ_i = transform(psi[i]' * kernel * psi[i])
The density at a half-link is equal to the density at the originating site.
DensityShader(; kernel = 1, transform = identity) = DensityShader(kernel, transform)

function site_shader(shader::CurrentShader, psi::AbstractVector{T}, h) where {T}
pos = allsitepositions(h.lattice)
br = bravais(h.lattice)
current = zeros(real(eltype(T)), length(pos))
for hh in h.harmonics, (row, col) in nonzero_indices(hh)
dr = pos[row] + br * hh.dn - pos[col]
dj = imag(psi[row]' * shader.kernel * hh.h[row, col] * psi[col])
j = iszero(shader.axis) ? real(shader.transform(norm(dr * dj))) : real(shader.transform(dr[shader.axis] * dj))
current[row] += j
return i -> current[i]

site_shader(shader::DensityShader, psi::AbstractVector, h) =
i -> real(shader.transform(psi[i]' * shader.kernel * psi[i]))

site_shader(shader::Function, psi, h) = i -> shader(psi[i])
site_shader(shader::Number, psi, h) = i -> shader
site_shader(shader::Missing, psi, h) = i -> 0.0

function link_shader(shader::CurrentShader, psi::AbstractVector{T}, h) where {T}
pos = allsitepositions(h.lattice)
# Assuming that only links from base unit cell are plotted
h0 = first(h.harmonics).h
current = (row, col) -> begin
dr = pos[row] - pos[col]
dj = imag(psi[row]' * shader.kernel * h0[row, col] * psi[col])
j = iszero(shader.axis) ? shader.transform(norm(dr * dj)) : shader.transform(dr[shader.axis] * dj)
return real(j)
return current

link_shader(shader::DensityShader, psi::AbstractVector, h) =
(row,col) -> real(shader.transform(psi[col]' * shader.kernel * psi[col]))

link_shader(shader::Function, psi, h) = (row, col) -> shader(psi[row], psi[col])
link_shader(shader::Number, psi, h) = (row, col) -> shader
link_shader(shader::Missing, psi, h) = (row, col) -> 0.0

# vlplot
vlplot(b::Bandstructure{1}; kw...)
Expand All @@ -11,36 +104,55 @@ Plot the the Hamiltonian lattice projected along `axes` using VegaLite.
vlplot(h::Hamiltonian, psi::AbstractVector; kw...)
Plot an eigenstate `psi` (of same dimension as `h`) on the lattice, using one of various
possible visualization channels: `sitesize`, `siteopacity`, `sitecolor`, `linksize`,
`linkopacity` or `linkcolor` (see keywords below). For site channels, a function `psi ->
f(psi)` must be provided (e.g. `f(psi_i) = norm(psi_i)` to plot the norm of the wavefunction
at each site). For link channels, a function `(psi´, psi) -> f(psi´, psi)` must be provided
(e.g. `f(psi_i, psi_j) = imag(psi_i'* psi_j)` to plot the current).
Plot an eigenstate `psi` on the lattice, using one of various possible visualization
shaders: `sitesize`, `siteopacity`, `sitecolor`, `linksize`, `linkopacity` or `linkcolor`
(see keywords below). If `psi` is obtained in a flattened form, it will be automatically
"unflattened" to restore the orbital structure of `h`.
# Keyword arguments and defaults:
# Keyword arguments and defaults
## Common
- `size = 800`: the `(width, height)` of the plot (or `max(width, height)` if a single number)
- `points = false`: whether to plot points on line plots
- `labels`: labels for the x and y plot axes. Defaults `("φ/2π", "ε")` and `("x", "y")` respectively
- `scaling = (1/2π, 1)`: `(scalex, scaley)` scalings for the x (Bloch phase) and y (energy) variables
- `xlims = missing` and `ylims = missing`: `(xmin, xmax)` and `(ymin, ymax)` to constrain plot range
## Bandstructure-specifc
- `points = false`: whether to plot points on line plots
- `bands = missing`: bands to plot (or all if `missing`)
- `axes = (1,2)`: lattice axes to project onto the plot x-y plane
## Hamiltonian-specific
- `axes = (1,2)`:lattice axes to project onto the plot x-y plane
- `digits = 4`: number of significant digits to show in onsite energy and hopping tooltips
- `plotsites = true`: whether to plot sites
- `plotlinks = true`: whether to plot links
- `sitestroke = :white`: the color of site outlines. If `nothing`, no outline will be plotted.
- `sitesize = 15`: diameter of sites in pixels. Can be a function of site index.
- `siteopacity = 0.9`: opacity of sites. Can be a function of site index.
- `sitecolor = missing`: function of site index that returns a real to be enconded into a color, using `colorscheme`
- `linksize = 0.25`: thickness of hopping links as a fraction of sitesize. Can be a function of site indices.
- `linkopacity = 1.0`: opacity of hopping links. Can be a function of site indices.
- `linkcolor = sitecolor`: function of link indices that returns a real to be enconded into a color, using `colorscheme`
- `colorscheme`: Color scheme from `` to be used (defaults "category10" or "lightgreyred")
- `colorscheme = "redyellowblue"`: Color scheme from ``
- `discretecolorscheme = "category10"`: Color scheme from ``
- `maxdiameter = 15`: maximum diameter of sites, useful when `sitesize` is not a constant.
- `maxthickness = 0.25`: maximum thickness of links, as a fraction of `maxdiameter`, useful when `linksize` is not a constant.
- `sitesize = maxdiameter`: diameter of sites.
- `siteopacity = 0.9`: opacity of sites.
- `sitecolor = missing`: color of sites. If `missing`, colors will encode the site sublattice following `discretecolorscheme`
- `linksize = maxthickness`: thickness of hopping links.
- `linkopacity = 1.0`: opacity of hopping links.
- `linkcolor = sitecolor`: color of links. If `missing`, colors will encode source site sublattice, following `discretecolorscheme`
- `colorrange = missing`: the range of values to encode using `sitecolor` and `linkcolor`. If `missing` the minimum and maximum values will be used.
Apart from a number, all site shaders (`sitesize`, `siteopacity` and `sitecolor`) can also
be a real-valued function of the wavefunction amplitude `psi` at each site, `psi -> value(psi)`.
Similarly, link shaders (`linksize`, `linkopacity` and `linkcolor`) can be a function of the
wavefunction amplitudes at end and origin of the link, `(psi´, psi) -> value(psi´, psi)`.
Any shader can also be a `CurrentShader` or a `DensityShader` object, that computes the
current or density at each site or link (see `CurrentShader` and `DensityShader`).
Note that values of sizes are relative, so there is no need to normalize shader values. The
maximum visual value of site diameter and link thickness is given by `maxdiameter` (in
pixels) and `maxthickness` (as a fraction of `maxdiameter`)
function VegaLite.vlplot(b::Bandstructure;
labels = ("φ", "ε"), scaling = (1, 1), size = 640, points = false, xlims = missing, ylims = missing, bands = missing,
sitesize = 30)
labels = ("φ", "ε"), scaling = (1, 1), size = 640, points = false, xlims = missing, ylims = missing, bands = missing)
labelx, labely = labels
table = bandtable(b, make_it_two(scaling), bands)
sizes = make_it_two(size)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,63 +180,70 @@ end
function VegaLite.vlplot(h::Hamiltonian{LA}, psi = missing;
labels = ("x","y"), size = 800, axes::Tuple{Int,Int} = (1,2), xlims = missing, ylims = missing, digits = 4,
plotsites = true, plotlinks = true,
sitestroke = :white, sitesize = 15, siteopacity = 0.9, sitecolor = missing,
linksize = 0.25, linkopacity = 1.0, linkcolor = sitecolor,
colorscheme = "lightgreyred", discretecolorscheme = "category10") where {E,LA<:Lattice{E}}
maxdiameter = 20, maxthickness = 0.25,
sitestroke = :white, sitesize = maxdiameter, siteopacity = 0.9, sitecolor = missing,
linksize = maxthickness, linkopacity = 1.0, linkcolor = sitecolor,
colorrange = missing,
colorscheme = "redyellowblue", discretecolorscheme = "category10") where {E,LA<:Lattice{E}}
psi´ = maybe_unflatten_or_missing(psi, h)
directives = (; axes = axes, digits = digits,
sitesize_func = sitefunc(sitesize, psi´), siteopacity_func = sitefunc(siteopacity, psi´),
linksize_func = linkfunc(linksize, psi´), linkopacity_func = linkfunc(linkopacity, psi´),
sitecolor_func = sitefunc(sitecolor, psi´), linkcolor_func = sitefunc(linkcolor, psi´))
checkdims_psi(h, psi´)
table = linkstable(h, directives)
maxthick = maximum(s -> ifelse(s.islink, s.scale, zero(s.scale)), table)
maxsize = plotsites ? maximum(s -> ifelse(s.islink, zero(s.scale), s.scale), table) : sqrt(15*maxthick)
maxopacity = maximum(s -> s.opacity, table)

directives = (; axes = axes, digits = digits,
sitesize_shader = site_shader(sitesize, psi´, h), siteopacity_shader = site_shader(siteopacity, psi´, h),
linksize_shader = link_shader(linksize, psi´, h), linkopacity_shader = link_shader(linkopacity, psi´, h),
sitecolor_shader = site_shader(sitecolor, psi´, h), linkcolor_shader = site_shader(linkcolor, psi´, h))

table = linkstable(h, directives)
maxsiteopacity = maximum(s.opacity for s in table if !s.islink)
maxlinkopacity = maximum(s.opacity for s in table if s.islink)
maxsitesize = maximum(s.scale for s in table if !s.islink)
maxlinksize = maximum(s.scale for s in table if s.islink)

corners = _corners(table)
plotrange = (xlims, ylims)
(domainx, domainy), sizes = domain_size(corners, size, plotrange)
linkcolorfield = ifelse(linkcolor === missing, :sublat, :color)
sitecolorfield = ifelse(sitecolor === missing, :sublat, :color)
if (plotsites && sitecolor !== missing) || (plotlinks && linkcolor !== missing)
colorfield = :color
colorscheme´ = colorscheme
colorrange = extrema(s -> s.color, table)
colorrange´ = sanitize_colorrange(colorrange, table)
colorfield = :sublat
colorscheme´ = discretecolorscheme
colorrange = nothing
colorrange´ = nothing

p = vltheme(sizes)
if plotlinks
p += @vlplot(
mark = {:rule},
size = {:scale,
scale = {range = [0, (maxsize)^2], domain = [0, maxthick], clamp = false},
strokeWidth = {:scale,
scale = {range = (0, maxthickness * maxdiameter), domain = (0, maxlinksize)},
legend = needslegend(linksize)},
color = {linkcolorfield,
scale = {domain = colorrange, scheme = colorscheme´},
legend = needslegend(sitecolor)},
opacity = {:opacity,
scale = {range = [0, 1], domain = [0, maxopacity]},
color = {colorfield,
scale = {domain = colorrange´, scheme = colorscheme´},
legend = needslegend(linkcolor)},
strokeOpacity = {:opacity,
scale = {range = (0, 1), domain = (0, maxlinkopacity)},
legend = needslegend(linkopacity)},
transform = [{filter = "datum.islink"}],
selection = {grid2 = {type = :interval, bind = :scales}},
encoding = {
x = {:x, scale = {domain = domainx, nice = false}, axis = {grid = false}},
y = {:y, scale = {domain = domainy, nice = false}, axis = {grid = false}},
x = {:x, scale = {domain = domainx, nice = false}, axis = {grid = false}, title = labels[1]},
y = {:y, scale = {domain = domainy, nice = false}, axis = {grid = false}, title = labels[2]},
x2 = {:x2, scale = {domain = domainx, nice = false}, axis = {grid = false}},
y2 = {:y2, scale = {domain = domainy, nice = false}, axis = {grid = false}}})
if plotsites
p += @vlplot(
mark = {:circle, stroke = sitestroke},
size = {:scale,
scale = {range = [0, (maxsize)^2], domain = [0, maxsize], clamp = false},
scale = {range = (0, maxdiameter^2), domain = (0, maxsitesize), clamp = false},
legend = needslegend(sitesize)},
color = {sitecolorfield,
scale = {domain = colorrange, scheme = colorscheme´},
color = {colorfield,
scale = {domain = colorrange´, scheme = colorscheme´},
legend = needslegend(sitecolor)},
opacity = {:opacity,
scale = {range = [0, 1], domain = [0, maxopacity]},
scale = {range = (0, 1), domain = (0, maxsiteopacity)},
legend = needslegend(siteopacity)},
selection = {grid1 = {type = :interval, bind = :scales}},
transform = [{filter = "!datum.islink"}],
Expand All @@ -141,38 +260,22 @@ function vltheme((sizex, sizey), points = false)
tooltip = :tooltip,
width = sizex, height = sizey,
config = {
circle = {stroke = :black, strokeWidth = 1, size = 200},
circle = {strokeWidth = 1, size = 200},
line = {point = points},
rule = {strokeWidth = 3},
scale = {minOpacity = 0, maxOpacity = 1.0}})
return p

sanitize_colorrange(::Missing, table) = extrema(s -> s.color, table)
sanitize_colorrange(r::AbstractVector, table) = convert(Vector, r)
sanitize_colorrange(r::Tuple, table) = [first(r), last(r)]

needslegend(x::Number) = nothing
needslegend(x) = true

maybe_unflatten_or_missing(psi::Missing, h) = missing
maybe_unflatten_or_missing(psi, h) = maybe_unflatten(psi, h)

sitefunc(f::Function) = f
sitefunc(o::Number) = psi -> o
sitefunc(::Missing) = psi -> 0.0
sitefunc(o, psi::Missing) = sitefunc(o)

function sitefunc(o, psi::AbstractVector)
f = sitefunc(o)
return i -> f(psi[i])

linkfunc(f::Function) = f
linkfunc(t) = (psi´, psi) -> t
linkfunc(t, psi::Missing) = linkfunc(t)

function linkfunc(t, psi::AbstractVector)
f = linkfunc(t)
return (i,j) -> f(psi[i], psi[j])

checkdims_psi(h, psi) = size(h, 2) == size(psi, 1) || throw(ArgumentError("The eigenstate length $(size(psi,1)) must match the Hamiltonian dimension $(size(h, 2))"))
checkdims_psi(h, ::Missing) = nothing

Expand All @@ -197,8 +300,8 @@ function linkstable(h::Hamiltonian, d)
ridx += 1
push!(table, (x = x, y = y, x2 = x, y2 = y,
sublat = sublatname(lat, ssrc), tooltip = matrixstring_inline(i, h0[i, i], d.digits),
scale = d.sitesize_func(ridx), color = d.sitecolor_func(ridx),
opacity = d.siteopacity_func(ridx), islink = false))
scale = d.sitesize_shader(ridx), color = d.sitecolor_shader(ridx),
opacity = d.siteopacity_shader(ridx), islink = false))
for sdst in slats
Expand All @@ -213,8 +316,8 @@ function linkstable(h::Hamiltonian, d)
(x = x, y = y, x2 = x, y2 = y,
sublat = sublatname(lat, sdst), tooltip = matrixstring_inline(row, h0[row, row], d.digits),
scale = d.sitesize_func(row), color = d.sitecolor_func(row),
opacity = 0.5 * d.siteopacity_func(row), islink = false))
scale = d.sitesize_shader(row), color = d.sitecolor_shader(row),
opacity = 0.5 * d.siteopacity_shader(row), islink = false))
push!(rows, row)
# draw half-links but only intracell
Expand All @@ -225,8 +328,8 @@ function linkstable(h::Hamiltonian, d)
rdst rsrc || push!(table,
(x = x, y = y, x2 = x´, y2 = y´,
sublat = sublatname(lat, ssrc), tooltip = matrixstring_inline(row, col, har.h[row, col], d.digits),
scale = d.linksize_func(row, col), color = d.linkcolor_func(col),
opacity = ifelse(iszero(har.dn), 1.0, 0.5) * d.linkopacity_func(row, col), islink = true))
scale = d.linksize_shader(row, col), color = d.linkcolor_shader(col),
opacity = ifelse(iszero(har.dn), 1.0, 0.5) * d.linkopacity_shader(row, col), islink = true))
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