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unitcell stress test
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pablosanjose committed Oct 16, 2020
1 parent 8758326 commit a66c2b8
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Showing 5 changed files with 101 additions and 76 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Requires = "ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

DualNumbers = "0.6"
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Quantica.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ using ExprTools

using SparseArrays: getcolptr, AbstractSparseMatrix

using Statistics: mean

export sublat, bravais, lattice, dims, supercell, unitcell,
hopping, onsite, @onsite!, @hopping!, parameters, siteselector, hopselector, nrange,
sitepositions, siteindices, not,
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37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions src/hamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $i Orbitals : $(displayorbitals(ham))
$i Element type : $(displayelements(ham))
$i Onsites : $(nonsites(ham))
$i Hoppings : $(nhoppings(ham))
$i Coordination : $(nhoppings(ham) / nsites(ham))")
$i Coordination : $(coordination(ham))")
ioindent = IOContext(io, :indent => string(" "))
issuperlattice(ham.lattice) && print(ioindent, "\n", ham.lattice.supercell)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,15 +625,17 @@ _orbitaltype(t::Type{SVector{1,Tv}}) where {Tv} = Tv
orbitaltype(h::Hamiltonian{LA,L,M}) where {N,T,LA,L,M<:SMatrix{N,N,T}} = SVector{N,T}
orbitaltype(h::Hamiltonian{LA,L,M}) where {LA,L,M<:Number} = M

function nhoppings(ham::Hamiltonian)
coordination(ham) = nhoppings(ham) / nsites(ham)

function nhoppings(ham)
count = 0
for h in ham.harmonics
count += iszero(h.dn) ? (_nnz(h.h) - _nnzdiag(h.h)) : _nnz(h.h)
return count

function nonsites(ham::Hamiltonian)
function nonsites(ham)
count = 0
for h in ham.harmonics
iszero(h.dn) && (count += _nnzdiag(h.h))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1253,39 +1255,41 @@ function unitcell(ham::Hamiltonian{<:Lattice}, args...; modifiers = (), kw...)

function unitcell(ham::Hamiltonian{LA,L}; modifiers = ()) where {E,L,T,L´,LA<:Superlattice{E,L,T,L´}}
lat = ham.lattice
sc = lat.supercell
isc = inv_supercell(bravais(lat), sc.matrix)
modifiers´ = resolve.(ensuretuple(modifiers), Ref(lat))
slat = ham.lattice
sc = slat.supercell
supercell_dn = r_to_dn(slat, sc.matrix, SVector{L´}(1:L´))
pos = allsitepositions(slat)
br = bravais(slat)
modifiers´ = resolve.(ensuretuple(modifiers), Ref(slat))
mapping = OffsetArray{Int}(undef, sc.sites, sc.cells.indices...) # store supersite indices newi
mapping .= 0
foreach_supersite((s, oldi, olddn, newi) -> mapping[oldi, Tuple(olddn)...] = newi, lat)
foreach_supersite((s, oldi, olddn, newi) -> mapping[oldi, Tuple(olddn)...] = newi, slat)
dim = nsites(sc)
B = blocktype(ham)
S = typeof(SparseMatrixBuilder{B}(dim, dim))
harmonic_builders = HamiltonianHarmonic{L´,B,S}[]
# pinvint = pinvmultiple(sc.matrix)
foreach_supersite(lat) do s, source_i, source_dn, newcol
foreach_supersite(slat) do s, source_i, source_dn, newcol
for oldh in ham.harmonics
rows = rowvals(oldh.h)
vals = nonzeros(oldh.h)
target_dn = source_dn + oldh.dn
super_dn = new_dn(target_dn, isc)
wrapped_dn = wrap_dn(target_dn, super_dn, sc.matrix)
newh = get_or_push!(harmonic_builders, super_dn, dim, newcol)
for p in nzrange(oldh.h, source_i)
target_i = rows[p]
r = pos[target_i] + br * target_dn
super_dn = supercell_dn(r)
wrapped_dn = wrap_dn(target_dn, super_dn, sc.matrix)
# check: wrapped_dn could exit bounding box along non-periodic direction
checkbounds(Bool, mapping, target_i, Tuple(wrapped_dn)...) || continue
newh = get_or_push!(harmonic_builders, super_dn, dim, newcol)
newrow = mapping[target_i, Tuple(wrapped_dn)...]
val = applymodifiers(vals[p], lat, (source_i, target_i), (source_dn, target_dn), modifiers´...)
val = applymodifiers(vals[p], slat, (source_i, target_i), (source_dn, target_dn), modifiers´...)
iszero(newrow) || pushtocolumn!(newh.h, newrow, val)
foreach(h -> finalizecolumn!(h.h), harmonic_builders)
harmonics = [HamiltonianHarmonic(h.dn, sparse(h.h)) for h in harmonic_builders]
unitlat = unitcell(lat)
unitlat = unitcell(slat)
orbs = ham.orbitals
return Hamiltonian(unitlat, harmonics, orbs)
Expand All @@ -1300,9 +1304,6 @@ function get_or_push!(hs::Vector{<:HamiltonianHarmonic{L,B,<:SparseMatrixBuilder
return newh

inv_supercell(br, sc::SMatrix{L,L´}) where {L,L´} = inv(extended_supercell(br, sc))[SVector{L´}(1:L´), :]
new_dn(oldn, isc) = floor.(Int, isc * oldn)

wrap_dn(olddn::SVector, newdn::SVector, supercell::SMatrix) = olddn - supercell * newdn

applymodifiers(val, lat, inds, dns) = val
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102 changes: 62 additions & 40 deletions src/lattice.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -613,13 +613,6 @@ function supercell(lat::Lattice{E,L}, v...; seed = missing, kw...) where {E,L}
return _superlat(lat, scmatrix, pararegion, perpselector, seed)

# Fast-path methods
supercell(lat::Lattice{E,L}, factors::Vararg{Integer,L}) where {E,L} =
_superlat_fastpath(lat, factors)
supercell(lat::Lattice{E,L}, factor::Integer) where {E,L} =
_superlat_fastpath(lat, filltuple(factor, Val(L)))
supercell(lat::Lattice) = _superlat_fastpath(lat, ())

sanitize_supercell(::Val{L}) where {L} = SMatrix{L,0,Int}()
sanitize_supercell(::Val{L}, ::Tuple{}) where {L} = SMatrix{L,0,Int}()
sanitize_supercell(::Val{L}, v::NTuple{L,Int}...) where {L} = toSMatrix(Int, v)
Expand All @@ -629,18 +622,33 @@ sanitize_supercell(::Val{L}, ss::Integer...) where {L} = SMatrix{L,L,Int}(Diagon
sanitize_supercell(::Val{L}, v) where {L} =
throw(ArgumentError("Improper supercell specification $v for an $L lattice dimensions, see `supercell`"))

function supercell_regions(lat::Lattice{E,L,T}, sc::SMatrix{L,L´}) where {E,L,T,L´}
function supercell_regions(lat::Lattice{E,L}, sc::SMatrix{L,L´}) where {E,L,L´}
dn_func = r_to_dn(lat, sc)
parainds = SVector{L´,Int}(1:L´)
perpinds = SVector{L-L´,Int}((1+L´):L)
pararegion(r) = iszero(dn_func(r)[parainds])
perpregion(r) = iszero(dn_func(r)[perpinds])
return pararegion, perpregion

# Computes δn[inds] so that r = bravais´ * δn + dr, where dr is within a supercell and
# bravais´ = bravais * supercell, but extending supercell into a square matrix
# Supercell center is placed at mean(allpos)
function r_to_dn(lat::AbstractLattice{E,L,T}, sc::SMatrix{L}, inds = :) where {E,L,T}
br = bravais(lat)
extsc = extended_supercell(br, sc)
projector = pinverse(br * extsc) # E need not be equal to L, hence pseudoinverse
siteshift = ntuple(Val(L)) do i
minimum((projector * r)[i] for r in allsitepositions(lat)) - sqrt(eps(T))
pararegion(r) = all(i -> 0 <= (projector * r)[i] - siteshift[i] < 1, 1:L´)
perpregion(r) = all(i -> 0 <= (projector * r)[i] - siteshift[i] < 1, (1+L´):L)
return pararegion, perpregion
# Place mean(positions) at the center of supercell
r0 = supercell_center(lat)
# This results in a zero vector for all sites within the unit supercell
return r -> floor.(Int, (projector * (r - r0))[inds])

supercell_center(lat::AbstractLattice{E,L,T}) where {E,L,T} =
mean(allsitepositions(lat)) -
bravais(lat) * SVector{L,T}(filltuple(1/2, Val(L))) -
SVector{E,T}(filltuple(sqrt(eps(T)), Val(E)))

# supplements supercell with most orthogonal bravais axes
function extended_supercell(bravais, supercell::SMatrix{L,L´}) where {L,L´}
L ==&& return supercell
Expand All @@ -657,7 +665,8 @@ end
function _superlat(lat, scmatrix, pararegion, selector_perp, seed)
br = bravais(lat)
rsel = resolve(selector_perp, lat)
cells = _cell_iter(lat, pararegion, rsel, seed)
cells = _cell_iter(lat, scmatrix, pararegion, rsel, seed)
# cells = _cell_iter(lat, scmatrix)
ns = nsites(lat)
mask = OffsetArray(falses(ns, size(cells)...), 1:ns, cells.indices...)
@inbounds for dn in cells
Expand All @@ -673,26 +682,51 @@ function _superlat(lat, scmatrix, pararegion, selector_perp, seed)
return Superlattice(lat.bravais, lat.unitcell, supercell)

function _cell_iter(lat::Lattice{E,L}, pararegion, rsel_perp, seed) where {E,L}
function _cell_iter(lat::Lattice{E,L}, sc::SMatrix{L,L´}, pararegion, rsel_perp, seed) where {E,L,L´}
# We first ensure that a full supercell bounding box is enconpassed by the iterator,
# the sought after cell iter is bbox only if L == L´ and all sites are inside unitcell (no outliers)
br = bravais(lat)
extsc = extended_supercell(br, sc)
dns = Iterators.product(ntuple(_ -> 0:1, Val(L))...)
bbox_min = bbox_max = zero(SVector{L,Int})
for dn in dns
isempty(dn) && break
bbox_min = min.(extsc * SVector(dn), bbox_min)
bbox_max = max.(extsc * SVector(dn), bbox_max)
minimum_bbox = CartesianIndices(UnitRange.(Tuple(bbox_min), Tuple(bbox_max)))

# We now iterate over a growing box of dn, ensuring that all dn are included such that
# r + br*dn is inside the supercell for any unitcell site at r
seed´ = seed === missing ? zero(SVector{L,Int}) : seedcell(SVector{E}(seed), bravais(lat))
iter = BoxIterator(seed´)
foundfirst = false
counter = 0
br = bravais(lat)
for dnvec in iter
ibr = pinverse(br)
for dn in iter
found = false
counter += 1; counter == TOOMANYITERS &&
throw(ArgumentError("`region` seems unbounded (after $TOOMANYITERS iterations)"))
foundfirst || acceptcell!(iter, dnvec)
for i in siteindices(rsel_perp, dnvec)
r = siteposition(i, dnvec, lat)
# site i is already in perpregion through rsel. Is it also in pararegion?
found_in_cell = pararegion(r)
if found_in_cell
acceptcell!(iter, dnvec)
foundfirst = true
# we need to make sure we've covered at least the minimum bounding box
inside_minimum = CartesianIndex(Tuple(dn)) in minimum_bbox
inside_minimum && (acceptcell!(iter, dn); continue)
explored_bbox = CartesianIndices(iter)
# We explore all sites in the unit cell, not only `i in siteindices(rsel_perp, dn)`,
# because that could cause unitcell outliers to not be found
for (i, r) in enumerate(allsitepositions(lat))
r_dn = r + br * dn
# we now check if the dn_r of r folded onto unitcell has been explored
# (i.e. ensure unitcell outliers are reached)
dn_r = CartesianIndex(floor.(Int, Tuple(ibr * r)))
not_yet_found = !in(dn_r, explored_bbox)
# it the site has not been found this dn should be accepted. Continue to next dn
not_yet_found && (acceptcell!(iter, dn); break)
# is site i in perpregion? Otherwise go to next site
(i, dn) in rsel_perp || continue
# site i, shifted by dn, is already in perpregion through rsel. Is it also in pararegion?
is_in_cell = pararegion(r_dn)
# if it is, mark dn as accepted and continue to grow BoxIterator
is_in_cell && (acceptcell!(iter, dn); break)
c = CartesianIndices(iter)
Expand All @@ -702,18 +736,6 @@ end
seedcell(seed::NTuple{N,Any}, brmat) where {N} = seedcell(SVector{N}(seed), brmat)
seedcell(seed::SVector{E}, brmat::SMatrix{E}) where {E} = round.(Int, brmat \ seed)

function _superlat_fastpath(lat::Lattice{E,L}, factors) where {E,L}
scmatrix = sanitize_supercell(Val(L), factors...)
sites = 1:nsites(lat)
cells = _cells_fastpath(Val(L), factors)
mask = missing
supercell = Supercell(scmatrix, sites, cells, mask)
return Superlattice(lat.bravais, lat.unitcell, supercell)

_cells_fastpath(::Val, factors) = CartesianIndices((i -> 0 : i - 1).(factors))
_cells_fastpath(::Val{L}, factors::Tuple{}) where {L} = CartesianIndices(filltuple(0:0, Val(L)))

# unitcell
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35 changes: 17 additions & 18 deletions test/test_hamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using LinearAlgebra: diag, norm
using Quantica: Hamiltonian, ParametricHamiltonian, nhoppings, nonsites, nsites, allsitepositions
using LinearAlgebra: diag, norm, det
using Quantica: Hamiltonian, ParametricHamiltonian, nhoppings, nonsites, nsites, coordination, allsitepositions

@testset "basic hamiltonians" begin
presets = (LatticePresets.linear, LatticePresets.square, LatticePresets.triangular,
Expand All @@ -22,29 +22,21 @@ using Quantica: Hamiltonian, ParametricHamiltonian, nhoppings, nonsites, nsites,
h = LatticePresets.square() |> unitcell(region = RegionPresets.square(5)) |>
hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = Inf))
@test nhoppings(h) == 600

h = LatticePresets.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, dn = (10,0), range = Inf))
@test nhoppings(h) == 1
@test isassigned(h, (10,0))

h = LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(onsite(1.0, sublats = :A), orbitals = (Val(1), Val(2)))
@test Quantica.nonsites(h) == 1

h = LatticePresets.square() |> unitcell(3) |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, indices = (1:8 .=> 2:9, 9=>1), range = 3, plusadjoint = true))
@test nhoppings(h) == 48

h = LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = (1, 1)))
@test nhoppings(h) == 12

h = LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = (1, 2/√3)))
@test nhoppings(h) == 18

h = LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = (2, 1)))
@test Quantica.nhoppings(h) == 0

h = LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = (30, 30)))
@test Quantica.nhoppings(h) == 12

h = LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = (10, 10.1)))
@test Quantica.nhoppings(h) == 48
Expand All @@ -60,19 +52,26 @@ end
h = LatticePresets.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = 2)) |> unitcell(5) |> unitcell(indices = 2:2:25)
@test nhoppings(h) == 32
@test nsites(h) == 12
lat = LatticePresets.honeycomb()
h = lat |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell
@test allsitepositions(h.lattice) == allsitepositions(lat)
h = lat |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell((1,1))
@test allsitepositions(h.lattice) == allsitepositions(lat)
h = lat |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell((1,-1))
@test allsitepositions(h.lattice) == allsitepositions(lat)
lat = LatticePresets.honeycomb(dim = Val(3)) |> unitcell(3) |> unitcell((1,1), indices = not(1))
h = lat |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell
@test allsitepositions(h.lattice) == allsitepositions(lat)
@test nsites(h) == 17
h = unitcell(h, indices = not(1))
@test nsites(h) == 16
# dim-preserving unitcell reshaping should always preserve coordination
lat = lattice(sublat((0.0, -0.1), (0,0), (0,1/√3), (0.0,1.6/√3)), bravais = SA[cos(pi/3) sin(pi/3); -cos(pi/3) sin(pi/3)]')
h = lat |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = 1/√3))
c = coordination(h)
iter = CartesianIndices((-3:3, -3:3))
for Ic´ in iter, Ic in iter
sc = SMatrix{2,2,Int}(Tuple(Ic)..., Tuple(Ic´)...)
iszero(det(sc)) && continue
= unitcell(h, sc)
h´´ = unitcell(h´, 2)
@test coordination(h´´) coordination(h´) c
= unitcell(h, Tuple(Ic))
h´´ = unitcell(h´, 2)
@test coordination(h´´) coordination(h´)

@testset "hamiltonian wrap" begin
Expand Down

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