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Merge pull request #131 from pablosanjose/dangling2
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Remove dangling bonds with `mincoordination`
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pablosanjose authored Nov 9, 2020
2 parents e9c7c51 + 8ecd556 commit 82cb57b
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Showing 3 changed files with 105 additions and 22 deletions.
85 changes: 70 additions & 15 deletions src/hamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -696,6 +696,9 @@ function flatsize(h::Hamiltonian)
return (n, n)

expand_supercell_mask(h::Hamiltonian{<:Superlattice}) =
Hamiltonian(expand_supercell_mask(h.lattice), h.harmonics, h.orbitals)

Base.size(h::Hamiltonian, n) = size(first(h.harmonics).h, n)
Base.size(h::Hamiltonian) = size(first(h.harmonics).h)
Base.size(h::HamiltonianHarmonic, n) = size(h.h, n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1246,51 +1249,105 @@ function supercell(ham::Hamiltonian, args...; kw...)
return Hamiltonian(slat, ham.harmonics, ham.orbitals)

function unitcell(ham::Hamiltonian{<:Lattice}, args...; modifiers = (), kw...)
function unitcell(ham::Hamiltonian{<:Lattice}, args...; modifiers = (), mincoordination = missing, kw...)
sham = supercell(ham, args...; kw...)
return unitcell(sham; modifiers = modifiers)
return unitcell(sham; modifiers = modifiers, mincoordination = mincoordination)

function unitcell(ham::Hamiltonian{LA,L}; modifiers = ()) where {E,L,T,L´,LA<:Superlattice{E,L,T,L´}}
function unitcell(ham::Hamiltonian{LA,L}; modifiers = (), mincoordination = missing) where {E,L,T,L´,LA<:Superlattice{E,L,T,L´}}
slat = ham.lattice
sc = slat.supercell
supercell_dn = r_to_dn(slat, sc.matrix, SVector{L´}(1:L´))
pos = allsitepositions(slat)
br = bravais(slat)
modifiers´ = resolve.(ensuretuple(modifiers), Ref(slat))
mapping = OffsetArray{Int}(undef, sc.sites, sc.cells.indices...) # store supersite indices newi

# Build a version of slat that has a filtered supercell mask according to mincoordination
slat´ = filtered_superlat!(ham, mincoordination, supercell_dn, br, sc.matrix, pos)
# store supersite indices newi
mapping = OffsetArray{Int}(undef, sc.sites, sc.cells.indices...)
mapping .= 0
foreach_supersite((s, oldi, olddn, newi) -> mapping[oldi, Tuple(olddn)...] = newi, slat)
dim = nsites(sc)
foreach_supersite((s, oldi, olddn, newi) -> mapping[oldi, Tuple(olddn)...] = newi, slat´)

dim = nsites(slat´.supercell)
B = blocktype(ham)
S = typeof(SparseMatrixBuilder{B}(dim, dim))
harmonic_builders = HamiltonianHarmonic{L´,B,S}[]
foreach_supersite(slat) do s, source_i, source_dn, newcol

foreach_supersite(slat´) do s, source_i, source_dn, newcol
for oldh in ham.harmonics
rows = rowvals(oldh.h)
vals = nonzeros(oldh.h)
target_dn = source_dn + oldh.dn
for p in nzrange(oldh.h, source_i)
target_i = rows[p]
r = pos[target_i] + br * target_dn
super_dn = supercell_dn(r)
wrapped_dn = wrap_dn(target_dn, super_dn, sc.matrix)
wrapped_dn, super_dn = wrap_super_dn(target_i, target_dn, supercell_dn, br, sc.matrix, pos)
# check: wrapped_dn could exit bounding box along non-periodic direction
checkbounds(Bool, mapping, target_i, Tuple(wrapped_dn)...) || continue
newh = get_or_push!(harmonic_builders, super_dn, dim, newcol)
newrow = mapping[target_i, Tuple(wrapped_dn)...]
val = applymodifiers(vals[p], slat, (source_i, target_i), (source_dn, target_dn), modifiers´...)
iszero(newrow) || pushtocolumn!(newh.h, newrow, val)
if !iszero(newrow)
val = applymodifiers(vals[p], slat, (source_i, target_i), (source_dn, target_dn), modifiers´...)
pushtocolumn!(newh.h, newrow, val)
foreach(h -> finalizecolumn!(h.h), harmonic_builders)
harmonics = [HamiltonianHarmonic(h.dn, sparse(h.h)) for h in harmonic_builders]
unitlat = unitcell(slat)
unitlat = unitcell(slat´)
orbs = ham.orbitals
return Hamiltonian(unitlat, harmonics, orbs)

filtered_superlat!(sham, ::Missing, args...) = sham.lattice
filtered_superlat!(sham, mc::Int, args...) =
_filtered_superlat!(expand_supercell_mask(sham), mc, args...)

function _filtered_superlat!(sham::Hamiltonian{LA,L}, mincoord, args...) where {LA,L}
slat = sham.lattice
sc = slat.supercell
mask = sc.mask
if mincoord > 0
delsites = NTuple{L+1,Int}[]
while true
foreach_supersite(sham.lattice) do _, source_i, source_dn, _
nn = num_neighbors_supercell(sham.harmonics, source_i, source_dn, mask, args...)
nn < mincoord && push!(delsites, (source_i, Tuple(source_dn)...))
foreach(p -> mask[p...] = false, delsites)
isempty(delsites) && break
resize!(delsites, 0)
sc = Supercell(sc.matrix, sc.sites, sc.cells, mask)
return Superlattice(slat.bravais, slat.unitcell, sc)

function num_neighbors_supercell(hhs, source_i, source_dn, mask, args...)
nn = 0
for hh in hhs
ptrs = nzrange(hh.h, source_i)
rows = rowvals(hh.h)
target_dn = source_dn + hh.dn
for p in nzrange(hh.h, source_i)
target_i = rows[p]
wrapped_dn, _ = wrap_super_dn(target_i, target_dn, args...)
isonsite = rows[p] == source_i && iszero(hh.dn)
isincell = isinmask(mask, rows[p], Tuple(wrapped_dn)...)
nn += !isonsite && isincell
return nn

function wrap_super_dn(target_i, target_dn, supercell_dn, br, smat, pos)
r = pos[target_i] + br * target_dn
super_dn = supercell_dn(r)
wrapped_dn = target_dn - smat * super_dn
return wrapped_dn, super_dn

function get_or_push!(hs::Vector{<:HamiltonianHarmonic{L,B,<:SparseMatrixBuilder}}, dn, dim, currentcol) where {L,B}
for h in hs
h.dn == dn && return h
Expand All @@ -1301,8 +1358,6 @@ function get_or_push!(hs::Vector{<:HamiltonianHarmonic{L,B,<:SparseMatrixBuilder
return newh

wrap_dn(olddn::SVector, newdn::SVector, supercell::SMatrix) = olddn - supercell * newdn

applymodifiers(val, lat, inds, dns) = val

function applymodifiers(val, lat, inds, dns, m::UniformModifier, ms...)
Expand Down
33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions src/lattice.jl
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Expand Up @@ -360,6 +360,10 @@ function boolean_mask(f, mask1, mask2, indranges)
return mask

expand_supercell_mask(s::Supercell{L,L´,Missing}) where {L,L´} =
Supercell(s.matrix, s.sites, s.cells, ones(Bool, s.sites, s.cells.indices...))
expand_supercell_mask(s::Supercell{L,L´}) where {L,L´} = s

# Superlattice
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,6 +418,8 @@ function check_compatible_superlattice(s1, s2)
return nothing

expand_supercell_mask(s::Superlattice) = Superlattice(s.bravais, s.unitcell, expand_supercell_mask(s.supercell))

# AbstractLattice interface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,6 +475,9 @@ ismasked(lat::Superlattice) = ismasked(lat.supercell)
maskranges(lat::Superlattice) = (1:nsites(lat), lat.supercell.cells.indices...)
maskranges(lat::Lattice) = (1:nsites(lat),)

expand_supercell_mask(s::Superlattice) =
Superlattice(s.bravais, s.unitcell, expand_supercell_mask(s.supercell))

transform!(f::Function, lat::Lattice)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,15 +642,23 @@ end

# Computes δn[inds] so that r = bravais´ * δn + dr, where dr is within a supercell and
# bravais´ = bravais * supercell, but extending supercell into a square matrix
# Supercell center is placed at mean(allpos)
# Supercell center is placed at mean(allpos). Enconde it as a struct for type stability
struct PosToCell{S,V,I}

(p::PosToCell)(r) = floor.(Int, (p.projector * (r - p.r0))[p.inds])

function r_to_dn(lat::AbstractLattice{E,L,T}, sc::SMatrix{L}, inds = :) where {E,L,T}
br = bravais(lat)
extsc = extended_supercell(br, sc)
projector = pinverse(br * extsc) # E need not be equal to L, hence pseudoinverse
# Place mean(positions) at the center of supercell
r0 = supercell_center(lat)
# This results in a zero vector for all sites within the unit supercell
return r -> floor.(Int, (projector * (r - r0))[inds])
return PosToCell(projector, r0, inds)

supercell_center(lat::AbstractLattice{E,L,T}) where {E,L,T} =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -774,20 +791,22 @@ with factors along the diagonal)
Convert Superlattice `slat` into a lattice with its unit cell matching `slat`'s supercell.
unitcell(h::Hamiltonian, v...; modifiers = (), kw...)
unitcell(h::Hamiltonian, v...; mincoordination, modifiers = (), kw...)
Transforms the `Lattice` of `h` to have a larger unitcell, while expanding the Hamiltonian
accordingly. The modifiers (a tuple of `ElementModifier`s, either `@onsite!` or `@hopping!`
with no free parameters) will be applied to onsite and hoppings as the hamiltonian is
expanded. See `@onsite!` and `@hopping!` for details
accordingly. A nonzero `mincoordination` indicates a minimum number of hopping neighbors
required for sites to be included in the resulting unit cell. The modifiers (a tuple of
`ElementModifier`s, either `@onsite!` or `@hopping!` with no free parameters) will be
applied to onsite and hoppings as the hamiltonian is expanded. See `@onsite!` and
`@hopping!` for details
Note: for performance reasons, in sparse hamiltonians only the stored onsites and hoppings
will be transformed by `ElementModifier`s, so you might want to add zero onsites or hoppings
when building `h` to have a modifier applied to them later.
lat_or_h |> unitcell(v...; kw...)
Curried syntax, equivalent to `unitcell(lat_or_h, v...; kw...)
Curried syntax, equivalent to `unitcell(lat_or_h, v...; kw...)`
# Examples
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/test_hamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ end
h´´ = unitcell(h´, 2)
@test coordination(h´´) coordination(h´)
h = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell(2) |> unitcell(mincoordination = 2)
@test nsites(h) == 6
h = LP.cubic() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell(4) |> unitcell(mincoordination = 4)
@test nsites(h) == 0
h = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell(region = & ! |> unitcell(mincoordination = 2)
@test nsites(h) == 144
h = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> unitcell(10, region = !, (0,8)))
= h |> unitcell(1, mincoordination = 2)
@test nsites(h´) == nsites(h) - 1

@testset "hamiltonian wrap" begin
Expand Down

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