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pablosanjose committed Nov 3, 2020
1 parent 6a6657f commit 21dce3e
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Showing 5 changed files with 6 additions and 168 deletions.
152 changes: 1 addition & 151 deletions src/diagonalizer.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,154 +94,4 @@ method_matrixtype(::AbstractDiagonalizeMethod, h) = flatten
# Type of states in bandstructure. Should be Matrix view, because eigvecs are dense and we need to support degeneracies
method_matviewtype(::AbstractDiagonalizeMethod, ::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} = subarray_matrix_type(orbitaltype(T))

subarray_matrix_type(::Type{M}) where {M} = typeof(view(Matrix{eltype(M)}(undef, 2, 2), :, 1:0))

# #######################################################################
# # shift and invert methods
# #######################################################################

# function shiftandinvert(matrix::AbstractMatrix{Tv}, origin) where {Tv}
# cols, rows = size(matrix)
# # Shift away from real axis to avoid pivot point error in factorize
# matrix´ = diagshift!(parent(matrix), origin + im)
# F = factorize(matrix´)
# lmap = LinearMap{Tv}((x, y) -> ldiv!(x, F, y), cols, rows,
# ismutating = true, ishermitian = false)
# return lmap
# end

# function diagshift!(matrix::AbstractMatrix, origin)
# matrix´ = parent(matrix)
# vals = nonzeros(matrix´)
# rowval = rowvals(matrix´)
# for col in 1:size(matrix, 2)
# found_diagonal = false
# for ptr in nzrange(matrix´, col)
# if col == rowval[ptr]
# found_diagonal = true
# vals[ptr] -= origin * I # To respect non-scalar eltypes
# break
# end
# end
# found_diagonal || throw(error("Sparse work matrix must include the diagonal. Possible bug in `similarmatrix`."))
# end
# return matrix
# end

# function invertandshift(ϵ::Vector{T}, origin) where {T}
# ϵ´ = similar(ϵ, real(T))
# ϵ´ .= real(inv.(ϵ) .+ (origin + im)) # Caution: we assume a real spectrum
# return ϵ´
# end

# #######################################################################
# # Codiagonalizer
# #######################################################################

# ## Codiagonalizer
# ## Uses velocity operators along different directions. If not enough, use finite differences
# ## along mesh directions
# struct Codiagonalizer{T,F<:Function}
# comatrix::F
# matrixindices::UnitRange{Int}
# degtol::T
# rangesA::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} # Prealloc buffer for degeneray ranges
# rangesB::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} # Prealloc buffer for degeneray ranges
# perm::Vector{Int} # Prealloc for sortperm!
# end

# # mapping = missing is assumed when h is a Function that generates matrices, instead of a Hamiltonian or ParametricHamiltonian
# function codiagonalizer(h, matrix::AbstractMatrix{T}, mesh, mapping) where {T}
# sample_phiparams = map_phiparams(mapping, first(vertices(mesh)))
# dirs = codiag_directions(sample_phiparams)
# degtol = sqrt(eps(real(eltype(T))))
# delta = meshdelta(mesh)
# delta = iszero(delta) ? degtol : delta
# comatrix, matrixindices = codiag_function(h, matrix, mapping, dirs, delta)
# return Codiagonalizer(comatrix, matrixindices, degtol, UnitRange{Int}[], UnitRange{Int}[], Int[])
# end

# function codiag_function(h::Union{Hamiltonian,ParametricHamiltonian}, matrix, mapping, dirs, delta)
# hdual = dual_if_parametric(h)
# matrixdual = dualarray(matrix)
# anyold = anyoldmatrix(matrix)
# ndirs = length(dirs)
# matrixindices = 1:(ndirs + ndirs + 1)
# comatrix(meshϕs, n) =
# if n <= ndirs # automatic differentiation using dual numbers
# ϕsparams = dual_phisparams(map_phiparams(mapping, meshϕs), dirs[n])
# dualpart.(bloch!(matrixdual, hdual, ϕsparams))
# elseif n - ndirs <= ndirs # resort to finite differences
# ϕsparams = delta_phisparams(map_phiparams(mapping, meshϕs), delta * dirs[n - ndirs])
# bloch!(matrix, h, ϕsparams)
# else # use a fixed arbitrary matrix
# anyold
# end
# return comatrix, matrixindices
# end

# dual_if_parametric(ph::ParametricHamiltonian) = Dual(ph)
# dual_if_parametric(h::Hamiltonian) = h

# # In the Function case we cannot know what directions to scan (arguments of matrixf). Also,
# # we cannot be sure that dual numbers propagate. We thus restrict to finite differences in the mesh
# # Note that mapping is already wrapped into matrixf in the calling bandstructure(::Function,...)
# function codiag_function(matrixf::Function, matrix, mapping::Missing, meshdirs, delta)
# anyold = anyoldmatrix(matrix)
# ndirs = length(meshdirs)
# matrixindices = 1:(ndirs + 1)
# comatrix(meshϕs, n) =
# if n <= ndirs # finite differences
# matrixf(meshϕs + delta * meshdirs[n])
# else # use a fixed arbitrary matrix
# anyold
# end
# return comatrix, matrixindices
# end

# val_length(::SVector{N}, nt::NamedTuple) where {N} = Val(N+length(nt))

# codiag_directions(phiparams) = codiag_directions(val_length(phiparams...), phiparams)

# function codiag_directions(::Val{L}, phiparams, direlements = 0:1) where {L}
# directions = vec(SVector{L,Int}.(Iterators.product(ntuple(_ -> direlements, Val(L))...)))
# mask_dirs!(directions, phiparams)
# filter!(ispositive, directions)
# unique!(directions)
# sort!(directions, by = norm)
# return directions
# end

# # Zeros out any direction that cannot modify a param because it is not a number
# function mask_dirs!(dirs::Vector{S}, pp) where {L,S<:SVector{L}}
# valparams = values(last(pp))
# valids = valparams .!= maybe_sum.(valparams, 1)
# n = length(first(pp))
# mask = SVector(ntuple(i -> i <= n || valids[i - n] , Val(L)))
# map!(dir -> mask .* dir, dirs, dirs)
# return dirs
# end

# dual_phisparams(ϕs::SVector{N}, dir) where {N} = Dual.(ϕs, frontsvec(dir, Val(N)))
# dual_phisparams(params::NamedTuple, dir) = NamedTuple{keys(params)}(maybe_dual.(values(params), tailtuple(dir, Val(length(params)))))
# dual_phisparams((ϕs, params)::Tuple, dir) = (dual_phisparams(ϕs, dir), dual_phisparams(params, dir))

# maybe_dual(param::Number, ε) = Dual(param, ε)
# maybe_dual(param, ε) = param

# delta_phisparams(ϕs::SVector{N}, dir) where {N} = ϕs + frontsvec(dir, Val(N))
# delta_phisparams(params::NamedTuple, dir) = NamedTuple{keys(params)}(maybe_sum.(values(params), tailtuple(dir, Val(length(params)))))
# delta_phisparams((ϕs, params)::Tuple, dir) = (delta_phisparams(ϕs, dir), delta_phisparams(params, dir))

# maybe_sum(param::Number, ε) = param + ε
# maybe_sum(param, ε) = param

# meshdelta(mesh::BandMesh{<:Any,T}) where {T} = T(0.1) * norm(first(minmax_edge(mesh)))

# function anyoldmatrix(matrix::SparseMatrixCSC, rng = MersenneTwister(1))
# s = copy(matrix)
# rand!(rng, nonzeros(s))
# return s
# end

# anyoldmatrix(m::DenseArray, rng = MersenneTwister(1)) = rand!(rng, copy(m))
subarray_matrix_type(::Type{M}) where {M} = typeof(view(Matrix{eltype(M)}(undef, 2, 2), :, 1:0))
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions src/hamiltonian.jl
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Expand Up @@ -724,12 +724,6 @@ SparseArrays.issparse(h::Hamiltonian{LA,L,M,A}) where {LA,L,M,A} = false

Base.parent(h::Hamiltonian) = h

# Dual numbers #

DualNumbers.Dual(h::Hamiltonian) = Hamiltonian(h.lattice, Dual.(h.harmonics), h.orbitals)

DualNumbers.Dual(h::HamiltonianHarmonic) = HamiltonianHarmonic(h.dn, dualarray(h.h))

# Iterators #

function nonzero_indices(h::Hamiltonian, rowrange = 1:size(h, 1), colrange = 1:size(h, 2))
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/parametric.jl
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Expand Up @@ -201,9 +201,6 @@ Base.size(ph::ParametricHamiltonian, n...) = size(ph.h, n...)

Base.eltype(ph::ParametricHamiltonian) = eltype(ph.h)

DualNumbers.Dual(p::ParametricHamiltonian) =
ParametricHamiltonian(Dual(p.baseh), Dual(p.h), p.modifiers, p.ptrdata, p.allptrs, p.parameters)

# bloch! for parametric
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/plot_makie.jl
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Expand Up @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ end

@recipe(BandPlot2D, bandstructure) do scene
linewidth = 3.0,
linethickness = 3.0,
wireframe = true,
colors = map(t -> RGBAf0((0.8 .* t)...),
((0.973, 0.565, 0.576), (0.682, 0.838, 0.922), (0.742, 0.91, 0.734),
Expand All @@ -281,15 +281,16 @@ function plot!(plot::BandPlot2D)
vertices = band.verts
simplices = band.simpinds
linesegments!(plot, (t -> vertices[first(t)] => vertices[last(t)]).(simplices),
linewidth = plot[:linewidth], color = color)
linewidth = plot[:linethickness][], color = color)
return plot

@recipe(BandPlot3D, bandstructure) do scene
linewidth = 1.0,
linethickness = 1.0,
wireframe = true,
linedarken = 0.5,
ssao = true, ambient = Vec3f0(0.55), diffuse = Vec3f0(0.4),
colors = map(t -> RGBAf0(t...),
((0.973, 0.565, 0.576), (0.682, 0.838, 0.922), (0.742, 0.91, 0.734),
Expand All @@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ function plot!(plot::BandPlot3D)
ssao = plot[:ssao][], ambient = plot[:ambient][], diffuse = plot[:diffuse][])
if plot[:wireframe][]
edgevertices = collect(Quantica.edgevertices(band))
linesegments!(plot, edgevertices, color = darken(color, 0.4), linewidth = plot[:linewidth])
linesegments!(plot, edgevertices, color = darken(color, plot[:linedarken][]), linewidth = plot[:linethickness][])
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/tools.jl
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Expand Up @@ -264,10 +264,6 @@ function append_slice!(dest::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray{T,N}, Rsrc::Carte
return dest

dualarray(a::DenseMatrix) = map(x->Dual.(x, 0), a)
# Need to preserve stored zeros, so we have to treat sparse case as special
dualarray(s::SparseMatrixCSC) = SparseMatrixCSC(s.m, s.n, s.colptr, s.rowval, map(x->Dual.(x, 0), s.nzval))

# convert a matrix/number block to a matrix/inlinematrix string
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