My personal AwesomeWM configuration for work and daily tasks 👨🏼💻
- 🐧 OS: EndeavourOS
- 🌙 Icons: Küyen
- 🔡 Fonts
- Regular: Manrope
- Monospace: JetBrains Mono Slashed
- Icons: Material Symbols Rounded and jetbrains-mono-nerd
- ▶ Video wallpaper here
- 📄 Rest of .dotfiles here
- 🎨 Custom color scheme taken from Xresources, available as vscode theme here.
- 💻🖥 Multiple screen support (vertical screen in progress).
- 🎬 Simple animations with Rubato and this picom fork.
- ⏯ Auto-pausing video wallpaper.
- 🌦 Weather popup widget.
- 🎶 Media controls using dominant colors of from cover art.
- 📅 Google Calendar events.
Tested on Asus G14 (2020) with EndeavourOS
Install dependencies
pikaur -S awesome-git \
acpi acpid acpi_call upower \
pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse playerctl pamixer jq \
brightnessctl networkmanager \
# autostarted
polkit-gnome blueman network-manager-applet redshift-minimal \
picom-simpleanims-git diodon fusuma ulauncher \
# extra packages
lxappearance-gtk3 qt5ct-kde \
flameshot pavucontrol asusctl rog-control-center \
# for optional features
mpv xwinwrap-git \
python-pipx \
gcalendar \
Clone the proyect
git clone --recurse-submodules
To obtain the color theme, copy or replace my Xresources file to
Move the configuration folder to awesome directory
mv awesomewm-configuration $HOME/.config/awesome
Set your latitude and longitude in configuration/variables.lua
for redshift and the optional weather widget.
latitude = 12.345
longitude = -67.890
Activate the optional features
Set corresponding parameters configuration/variables.lua
Set video paths, vertical video is optional and it's used on vertical screens.
-- Video wallpaper
videowallpaper_path = HOME .. "/videos/video-wallpaper.mp4"
videowallpaper_vertical_path = HOME .. "/videos/video-wallpaper-vertical.mp4"
- Install my dominantcolors script with pipx.
pipx install git+
- Set the script path.
-- Dominantcolors script path
dominantcolors_path = HOME .. "/.local/bin/dominantcolors",
Set gcalendar command with your account and output as json.
-- gcalendar requires output in json
gcalendar_command = "gcalendar --output json --no-of-days 3",
Set your OpenWeather API key.
-- OpenWeather api key
weather_api_key = "y0ur4p1k3yc0m35h3r3"
Controls | Monitors |
Combined taglist + tasklist with Bling previews
Tag preview | Client preview |
Morning | Evening |
Layout | Brightness + Volume | Mic on/off |