These dotfiles are a work in progress, but mostly meant for a high performance computing software development system with
- Debian
- Fluxbox
- Emacs for heavy text editing
- Vim for quick text editing [i e, commit messages, configuration files...]
- Cannot decide yet whether to use zsh or good ol' bash
- Other things I haven't thought of yet
Ideally installation will be covered with FAI, but maybe it is not worth it. Just to keep tracks on the needed packages:
##Packages meant to be installed in the distro
- Display Manager: LightDM (lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter)
- Desktop: Fluxbox (fluxbox feh)
- Widget: Conky (conky)
- File Browser: Midnight Commander (mc)
- Typesetting: LaTeX (latex)
- TMux (tmux)
- Unicode rxvt (rxvt-unicode)
- Iceweasel (iceweasel)
- HexChat IRC Client (hexchat)
- Emacs (emacs)
- Vim (vim)
- NumPy (python-numpy)
- SciPy (python-scipy)
- MatPlotLib (python-matplotlib)
- OpenMPI (openmpi-bin openmpi-common libopenmpi-dev)
- gcc (gcc gfortran)
- IPython (ipython)
- pylint (pylint)
- git (git)
- nosetests (python-nose python-coverage python-rednose)
##Emacs packages
Most packages are downloaded through MELPA
- Whitespace Cleanup (whitespace-cleanup-mode)
- Fill Column Indicator (fill-column-indicator)
- Flycheck (flycheck)
- Jedi (jedi)
- Markdown (markdown-mode)
- AUCTeX (auctex)
- Emacs Startup Profiler (esup)