A set of ROS publisher/subscribers nodes for benchmarking and testing
- Producers are nodes which are producing some data
- Consumers are nodes which requires some data
- Transformers are republishers which subscribes to a topic, do some transformations and republish into another topic
- Services will be added in same way as topics
To start just producers, transformers and producers: roslaunch stt_tool_benchmark benchmark.launch
To start all and do connection examples through topic_tools roslaunch stt_tool_benchmark connected.launch
To start a producer / consumer / transformer manually: rosrun stt_tool_benchmark fahrenheit.py
http://wiki.ros.org/topic_tools http://wiki.ros.org/topic_tools/relay
rosrun topic_tools relay /producers/temperature/fahrenheit /transformers/input/temperature/fahrenheit
rosrun topic_tools relay /transformers/output/temperature/kelvin /consumers/temperature/kelvin