2D Platformer game with 3 distinct base levels and a final boss stage for the player to beat! Contains unique enemy types, platforming oppurtunities and collectibles. Built with Unity 2D, Visual Studio and C#.
Coming Very Soon
- Game was designed to be a compact and enjoyable experience for the player.
- Explore the different design philosophies behind regular and boss enemy types, level design and movement mechanics
- Create Game Design Document including UML Class diagram to visualize and outline the structure of the game, game key features, development time frame and operating environment .
- Chose assets from itch.io that fit with the desired gothic asthetic intended for the game's atmosphere.
- Movement mechanics developed with inspiration from games like Hollow Knight and Super Mario World.
- Developemt split into 2 week sprints broken separated with overviews to check the game's progress, plan future implementations, report any bugs and examine if the game is on track to be complete for set deadline.
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This is coming soon!