pip install -r requirements.txt
My first project with use of Flask, html and css (at least styling).
The purpose of project was to learn basics of mentioned tools.
1. BINARY -> takes user input and change each of characters into its bianry representation (file -> b_coder.py)
2. SHIFT (Caesar) -> takes user input, change each of characters into its ascii representation and adds to each of them given shift order (from range 1 - 10 default=3) (file -> s_coder.py)
3. STEGANOGRAPHY -> takes user input and encodes it into image uploaded by user. To encode/decode stegano module were used. (file -> i_coder.py)
Used method - LSB (Least Significant Bit) https://pypi.org/project/stegano/
- Download project / clone git.
- Open cmd/powershell with project's directory.
- Make sure you made INSTALLATION step.
- Command: flask run
- Open shown address.
- Play around