Hourly Weather Card by @decompil3d
An hourly weather card for Home Assistant. Visualize upcoming weather conditions as a colored horizontal bar.
✨ Install via HACS
- Download
from the Releases page - Upload to
(via Samba, File Editor, SSH, etc.) - Visit the Resources page in your Home Assistant install and add
as a JavaScript Module. - Refresh your browser
This card will show in the "Add card" modal. It has a GUI editor for configuring settings.
If you prefer YAML, here is a sample config:
type: custom:hourly-weather
entity: weather.my_hourly_weather_entity
num_segments: 18 # optional, defaults to 12
name: Next 18 hours # optional, defaults to "Hourly Weather"
This card is focused on displaying hourly weather data. If you try selecting a weather entity that provides daily
forecasts, it will show a warning. I've tested with the OpenWeatherMap integration using the onecall_hourly
mode and
that works very well.
ℹ️ NOTE: If your selected weather entity provides forecasts in increments of greater than one hour at a time, each segment of the bar will be for one segment, not one hour.
If you already use OpenWeatherMap for daily data, you can add a second integration of the same component for hourly -- just adjust the latitude or longitude a tiny bit (i.e. change the last decimal by 1). Otherwise, the integration may complain of a duplicate unique ID.
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
type |
string | Required | custom:hourly-weather |
entity |
string | Required | Home Assistant weather entity ID. | |
name |
string | Optional | Card name (set to null to hide) |
Hourly Weather |
icons |
bool | Optional | Whether to show icons instead of text labels | false |
num_segments |
number | Optional | Number of forecast segments to show (even integer >= 2) | 12 |
num_hours |
number | Optional | Deprecated: Use num_segments instead |
12 |
offset |
number | Optional | Number of forecast segments to offset from start | 0 |
label_spacing |
number | Optional | Space between time/temperature labels (even integer >= 2) | 2 |
colors |
object | Optional | Set colors for all or some conditions | |
hide_hours |
bool | Optional | Whether to hide hour labels under the bar | false |
hide_temperatures |
bool | Optional | Whether to hide temperatures under the bar | false |
show_wind |
string | Optional | Whether to show wind speed and/or direction under the bar | 'false' |
show_precipitation_amounts |
bool | Optional | Whether to show precipitation (rain) amount under the bar | false |
tap_action |
object | Optional | Action to take on tap | action: more-info |
hold_action |
object | Optional | Action to take on hold | none |
double_tap_action |
object | Optional | Action to take on double tap | none |
language |
string | Optional | Language to use for card (overrides HA & user settings) |
The following options allow Home Assistant Jinja templates as values:
You may use any valid template expression that produces a string or number. For example, you can define offset based on the current time of day so that you see the next day's weather:
name: Tomorrow
num_segments: 24
offset: |
{{ 24 - now().hour }}
label_spacing: 4
Or maybe show the rest of today's weather:
name: Today
num_segments: |
{{ 24 - now().hour }}
label_spacing: |
{% set segments = 24 - now().hour %}
{{ 4 if segments > 12 else 2 }}
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
action |
string | Required | Action to perform (more-info, toggle, call-service, navigate url, none) | more-info |
navigation_path |
string | Optional | Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/) when action defined as navigate | none |
url |
string | Optional | URL to open on click when action is url. The URL will open in a new tab | none |
service |
string | Optional | Service to call (e.g. media_player.media_play_pause) when action defined as call-service | none |
service_data |
object | Optional | Service data to include (e.g. entity_id: media_player.bedroom) when action defined as call-service | none |
haptic |
string | Optional | Haptic feedback success, warning, failure, light, medium, heavy, selection | none |
repeat |
number | Optional | How often to repeat the hold_action in milliseconds. |
none |
is specified as an object containing one or more of the keys listed below and values that are valid CSS
colors. Invalid color values will be discarded and will trigger a warning.
Some conditions will default to whatever the value is of some other condition. For example, fog
will default to
whatever cloudy
Key | Default |
clear-night |
#000 |
cloudy |
#777 |
fog |
same as cloudy |
hail |
#2b5174 |
lightning |
same as rainy |
lightning-rainy |
same as rainy |
partlycloudy |
#b3dbff |
pouring |
same as rainy |
rainy |
#44739d |
snowy |
#fff |
snowy-rainy |
same as partlycloudy |
sunny |
#90cbff |
windy |
same as sunny |
windy-variant |
same as sunny |
exceptional |
#ff9d00 |
sunny: '#bbccee' # note that hex colors must be quoted
snowy-rainy: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) # rgba works (and hsla too)
exceptional: red # as do valid CSS color names
can be one of the following values:
Don't show wind speed/direction (default)true
Show both wind speed and directionspeed
Only show wind speeddirection
Only show wind direction
In version 4.x, the num_hours
option was deprecated in favor of num_segments
. This simplifies the card and makes it
clear that it operates on whatever size forecast segment your entity provides. The num_hours
option still works, but
takes precedence, if set. num_hours
will be removed in a later major version of the card.