├── assets images for the README
├── data data to train on
│ └── 2021-12-09-04:56:05
├── docker files for creating and running docker containers
├── include
│ └── e2e_handover header files for cpp ROS nodes
├── launch ROS launch files
├── models trained models
├── param ROS parameters for setting sensor suite
├── scripts python ROS nodes
├── src
│ └── e2e_handover python modules for re-use, and cpp ROS nodes
│ ├── evaluate scripts for evaluating models (viewing inference, computing stats)
│ ├── prepare scripts for data prep (calibration, combination, labelling)
│ └── train scripts for training models and defining model architecture
└── urdf robot description files (unused)
Robot activates or releases the gripper when it detects a sufficient force in the z-axis.
roslaunch e2e_handover force_baseline.launch
Data is stored in the
Pressing 'r' begins or ends a recording session, identified by a timestamp. Images and a csv file for each session are stored in a folder. Pressing 'shift' toggles the gripper state manually.
roslaunch e2e_handover recording.launch
Optionally, record the raw ROS messages with rosbag record rosout /camera1/color/image_raw robotiq_ft_wrench Robotiq2FGripperRobotInput /Robotiq2FGripperRobotOutput /camera2/color/image_raw
- Calibrate the forces by zeroing out using the first reading:
python3 src/e2e_handover/prepare/calibrate_forces.py --data raw.csv
- Combine data sets together:
python3 src/e2e_handover/prepare/combine_sets.py --data data/2022-02-09-0*rhys/*_calib.csv --out data/2022-02-09-05_rhys/2022-02-09-05_calib_rhys.csv
- Manually edit the open/closed labels:
python3 src/e2e_handover/prepare/grip_labeller.py --data data/2022-02-09-05_rhys/2022-02-09-05_calib_rhys.csv
- Specify which frames belong to "giving" set or "receiving" set:
python3 src/e2e_handover/prepare/annotate_direction.py --data data/2022-02-09-05_rhys/2022-02-09-05_rhys_calib_labelled.csv.csv
- (Optional) offset the data so that the model tries to predict the state in N frames:
python3 src/e2e_handover/prepare/use_future.py --data data/2022-02-08-03\:41\:24_owen/2022-02-08-03\:41\:24_calib_labelled_receive.csv --offset 5
- Define the sensor suite to be used when training in
python3 src/e2e_handover/train/train.py --data data/2022-01-25/2022-01-25-05\:27\:11/2022-01-25-05\:27\:11.csv
- Go to wandb.ai to see the results of training.
- Define the sensor suite to be used for inference in
- Launch sensors and inference node:
roslaunch e2e_handover inference.launch
Pressing 'i' starts or stops inference.
- UR5 Robot
- 2x Intel Realsense 2 RGBD cameras
- Robotiq 2F85 gripper
- Robotiq FT300 force-torque sensor
- 2x Contactile papillarray tactile sensors
- Install docker (using
sudo apt install docker.io
) - Install nvidia-docker2 for cuda (GPU) support
- Run
- ROS Noetic
- Universal Robots ROS Driver (Follow Building instructions)
- fmauch Robot Descriptions (Should be installed as per Universal Robots instructions)
- Robotiq drivers (updated to work with ROS Noetic) (Clone into
directory) - Realsense Camera ROS Drivers
Aside from ROS itself, these dependencies can be downloaded automatically by vcstool
(install with sudo apt install python3-vcstool
), then go to catkin_ws/src
directory and run vcs import < e2e-handover/e2e.rosinstall
To update the dependency list when adding more packages in the future, use vcs export > e2e.rosinstall
Ensure pip is installed via sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install additional dependencies by running rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
from your catkin workspace.
Build by running catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
from your catkin workspace.
Bring up communication with the robot:
roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur5_bringup.launch robot_ip:=
Move the robot into position:
roslaunch e2e_handover position.launch
rviz -d launch/e2e_handover.rviz
- Click 'next' in RvizVisualTools
Viewing the robot urdf:
roslaunch e2e_handover view_ur5_ft_grip_table.launch
Gripper communication:
rosrun robotiq_2f_gripper_control Robotiq2FGripperRtuNode.py /dev/ttyUSB0
Force/torque sensor comms:
rosrun robotiq_ft_sensor rq_sensor
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
or roslaunch camera_driver realsense_driver.launch
Testing recorder:
- Place an image in data/test.png
roslaunch e2e_handover test_recording.launch
Testing inference:
roslaunch e2e_handover test_inference.launch
Running in gazebo
roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5_bringup.launch
/roslaunch e2e_handover ur5_bringup_gazebo.launch
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
Combine datasets:
python3 src/e2e_handover/prepare/data_prep.py --session 2021-12-17-tactile combine -l 2021-12-17-00:55:09 2021-12-17-01:01:44
Running position node outside gazebo
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch
rosrun e2e_handover position
Running mover node in gazebo:
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
rviz -d launch/e2e_handover.rviz
roslaunch e2e_handover inference.launch```
roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5_bringup.launch
roslaunch e2e_handover sim_position.launch
Running position node in gazebo
- `roslaunch e2e_handover position.launch`
## Pairing controller
- For DualShock PS4 controller, press and hold both the Share and PS buttons.
- Open Bluetooth settings and click on 'Wireless controller' to pair.
## Getting detectron working
`python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git'`
roslaunch e2e_handover inference_sensors_setup.launch
Press play on the UR5 tablet
roslaunch e2e_handover inference_node_only.launch