Manual section: | 3 |
Author: | Kristian Lyngstøl |
Date: | 2011-09-22 |
Version: | 0.3 |
import digest; digest.hmac_md5(<key>,<message>); digest.hmac_sha1(<key>, <message>); digest.hmac_sha256(<key>, <message)); digest.base64(<string>); digest.base64url(<string>); digest.base64url_nopad(<string>); digest.base64_decode(<string>); digest.base64url_decode(<string>); digest.base64url_nopad_decode(<string>); digest.version() digest.hash_sha1(<string>); digest.hash_sha224(<string>); digest.hash_sha256(<string>); digest.hash_sha384(<string>); digest.hash_sha512(<string>); digest.hash_gost(<string>); digest.hash_md2(<string>); digest.hash_md4(<string>); digest.hash_md5(<string>); digest.hash_crc32(<string>); digest.hash_crc32b(<string>); digest.hash_adler32(<string>); digest.hash_haval128(<string>); digest.hash_haval160(<string>); digest.hash_haval192(<string>); digest.hash_haval224(<string>); digest.hash_haval256(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd128(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd160(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd256(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd320(<string>); digest.hash_tiger(<string>); digest.hash_tiger128(<string>); digest.hash_tiger160(<string>); digest.hash_snefru128(<string>); digest.hash_snefru256(<string>);
Varnish Module (vmod) for computing HMAC, message digests and working with base64.
All HMAC- and hash-functionality is provided by libmhash, while base64 is implemented locally.
Example VCL:
backend foo { ... }; import digest; sub vcl_recv { if (digest.hmac_sha256("key",req.http.x-some-header) != digest.hmac_sha256("key",req.http.x-some-header-signed)) { error 401 "Naughty user!"; } }
- Prototype
digest.hmac_md5(<key>,<message>); digest.hmac_sha1(<key>, <message>); digest.hmac_sha256(<key>, <message));
- Returns
- String. Hex-encoded prepended with 0x.
- Description
- All the various hmac-functions work the same, but use a different hash mechanism.
- Example
set resp.http.x-data-sig = digest.hmac_sha256("secretkey",resp.http.x-data);
- Prototype
digest.base64(<string>); digest.base64url(<string>); digest.base64url_nopad(<string>);
- Returns
- String
- Description
- Returns the base64-encoded version of the input-string. The base64url-variant uses base64 url-encoding (+/ replaced by -_) and the base64url_nopad does the same, but avoids adding padding. The latter is more commonly used, though an (allowed) exception to the RFC4648.
- Example
set resp.http.x-data-sig = digest.base64({"content with newline in it"});
- Prototype
digest.hash_sha1(<string>); digest.hash_sha224(<string>); digest.hash_sha256(<string>); digest.hash_sha384(<string>); digest.hash_sha512(<string>); digest.hash_gost(<string>); digest.hash_md2(<string>); digest.hash_md4(<string>); digest.hash_md5(<string>); digest.hash_crc32(<string>); digest.hash_crc32b(<string>); digest.hash_adler32(<string>); digest.hash_haval128(<string>); digest.hash_haval160(<string>); digest.hash_haval192(<string>); digest.hash_haval224(<string>); digest.hash_haval256(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd128(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd160(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd256(<string>); digest.hash_ripemd320(<string>); digest.hash_tiger(<string>); digest.hash_tiger128(<string>); digest.hash_tiger160(<string>); digest.hash_snefru128(<string>); digest.hash_snefru256(<string>);
- Returns
- String
- Description
- Computes the digest/hash of the supplied, using the specified hash algorithm. If in doubt as to which to pick, use SHA256. For detailed discussions, see The Internet.
- Example
set resp.http.x-data-md5 = digest.hash_md5(resp.http.x-data);
- Prototype
digest.base64_decode(<string>); digest.base64url_decode(<string>); digest.base64url_nopad_decode(<string>);
- Returns
- String
- Description
- Decodes the bas64 and base64url-encoded strings. All functions treat padding the same, meaning base64url_decode and base64url_nopad_decode are identical, but available for consistency and practicality.
- Example
- ::
- synthetic(digest.base64_decode(req.http.x-parrot));
- Prototype
- Returns
- string
- Description
- Returns the string constant version-number of the digest vmod.
- Example
set resp.http.X-digest-version = digest.version();
Installation requires the Varnish source tree (only the source matching the binary installation).
- ./ (for git-installation)
- ./configure VARNISHSRC=/path/to/your/varnish/source/varnish-cache
- make
- make install (may require root: sudo make install)
- make check (Optional for regression tests)
VARNISHSRCDIR is the directory of the Varnish source tree for which to compile your vmod. Both the VARNISHSRCDIR and VARNISHSRCDIR/include will be added to the include search paths for your module.
Optionally you can also set the vmod install dir by adding VMODDIR=DIR (defaults to the pkg-config discovered directory from your Varnish installation).
Author: Kristian Lyngstøl <[email protected]>, Varnish Software AS
This Vmod was written for Media Norge, Schibsted and others.
The bulk of the functionality is acquired through libmhash
Bug reports by: Magnus Hagander
Version 0.1: Initial version, mostly feature-complete
Version 0.2: Mainly build-related cleanups, no feature-changes
Version 0.3: Handle empty/NULL strings for hashes and keys.
No bugs at all!
If the key is NULL for hmac-functions, the function will fail and return NULL itself, and do no hmac-computation at all. This should be used as an indication of some greater flaw in your software/VCL. (I.e.: Your key should be under your control, not user-supplied without verification).
The base64url_nopad_decode() and base64url_decode() functions do not differ much. The exception is that nopad_decode() does not know about padding at all, and might get confused if the input actually is padded.
- libmhash
- varnishd(1)
- vcl(7)
This document is licensed under the same license as the libvmod-digest project. See LICENSE for details.
- Copyright (c) 2011 Varnish Software