- Split monitor by width into quarters or thirds and height by halves
- Configurable width increase for the middle window when split by thirds
- Configurable gap between windows
- Half Fullscreen window option. Use monitor as dual screen by playing videos/games on half the screen
- Soft tiling, allows for tiling and floating windows
NOTE: Systemsettings downloader can be finicky at time.
Under SystemSettings -> Kwin Scripts, you can search for and install Mudeer.
To get the configuration settings to work you will need to register them manually from the command line as shown below.
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/kservices5 ln -sf ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/mudeer-ultrawide/metadata.desktop ~/.local/share/kservices5/mudeer-ultrawide.desktop
I am unsure if there is a way to register the configuration automatically with the scripts.
git clone https://github.com/darkstego/Mudeer.git kpackagetool5 -i Mudeer mkdir -p ~/.local/share/kservices5 ln -sf ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/mudeer-ultrawide/metadata.desktop ~/.local/share/kservices5/mudeer-ultrawide.desktop
To update
git clone https://github.com/darkstego/Mudeer.git && kpackagetool5 -u Mudeer
You will need to disable then enable script from Systemsettings -> Kwin Scripts for update changes to take effect.
You may need to log out and back into the plasma session for changes to take effect.
Configuration is done through KDE’s Kwin Script Configuration. Find Mudeer under System Settings -> Kwin Scripts and there will be an options button.
When changing the options you need to disable then enable the script for the changes to take effect. I think this is a quirk in KDE scripts.
In the configuration menu you are able to configure the width of middle window in a 3-wide configuration, and the gap between windows.
The default shortcuts were designed to easily use with the left hand to allow use quickly while using the mouse. As a result, some of these shortcuts will not be enabled unless they are enabled manually through the KDE shortcut menu. This happens when some of those shortcuts overwrite others in KDE.
You can see all the shortcuts for this project by searching the global shortcuts settings menu for “mudeer”.
The Shortcuts all use the Meta (known as Win or Super outside KDE). Below is the explenation of the default bindings.
Use Meta + A,S,D for left middle and right thirds respectively.
Alt modifier for only the bottom half.
Ctrl modifier for only the top half.
Shift modifier increases width to encompass all neighboring thirds. (e.g. Pressing Meta+Shift+A will make the window take up the left and middle thirds). Note: if chosen with middle third (S) then it will consider it as middle-half, since otherwise it would be identical to maximize.
Note: Middle third can be made bigger than the others by using the Kwin Configuration. This is useful to give extra space to the middle window in a three wide display.
Use Meta + Z,X,C,V for left, middle left, middle right, and right Quarters respectively.
Alt modifier for only the bottom half.
Ctrl modifier for only the top half.
Shift modifier increases width to encompass all neighboring slots. (e.g. Pressing Meta+Shift+X will make the window take up the left 3/4 of the screen).
Use Meta + F to fullscreen the window (ignoring things like taskbars)
To Fullscreen on half the screen Use Ctrl and Shift for Left and Right respectively. This is helpful to mimic the behaviour of having two seperate monitors side-by-side.
Holding the shift key will maximize instead of full screen (not cover the panel) in the side selected. This can be useful when you want to run a fullscreen (movie or game) on half the screen and maximize an application in the remaining part of the screen.
One recommendation is binding “Maximize Window” to Meta+Shift+f as it fits logically with these shortcuts.
Below is the list of default shortcuts. Again, Meta in KDE is the Win (or Super) key.
Shortcut | Default Binding |
Left Third | Meta+a |
Center Third | Meta+s |
Right Third | Meta+d |
Left Two Thirds | Meta+Shift+a |
Right Two Thirds | Meta+Shift+d |
Far Left Quarter | Meta+z |
Center Left Quarter | Meta+x |
Center Right Quarter | Meta+c |
Far Right Quarter | Meta+v |
Left Half | Meta+Shift+z |
Left Three Quarters | Meta+Shift+x |
Center Half | Meta+Shift+s |
Right Three Quarters | Meta+Shift+c |
Right Half | Meta+Shift+v |
Top half modifier | Ctrl+ |
Bottom half modifier | Alt+ |
Fullscreen | Meta+f |
Left half fullscreen | Meta+Ctrl+f |
Right half fullscreen | Meta+Alt+f |
Must press the Meta (aka Win or Super) key with all these shortcuts.
For users of Non Ultrawide Monitors this script can be utilized by only mapping shortcuts for the left and right half tiling (and their top/bottom alternatives). This is functionally similar to KDE’s own Quick Tile option with the added flexibility of having an adjustable gap between the windows.
Make sure the link to ~/.local/share/kservices5/mudeer-ultrawide.desktop is available.