Puan DB requires one postgres database server. Start by setting the variable DATABASE_URL
in your environment file.
Poetry is used as dependency back end. Install it by
pip install poetry
Puan DB doesn't come with a solver out-of-the-box and requires a solver cluster or service to work properly. Most easy is to download and run the docker container znittzel/puan-solver-orchestrator
. Make sure to set the SOLVER_API_URL
variable in your environment file to point to the service.
Then run the project by:
poetry uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000
Or by using Docker compose:
docker compose up --build
This will download, build and run the necessary container services.
Puan DB serves main two purposes:
- Storing and providing combinatorial database models
- Different kinds of calculations on these models
Head over to {service-url}:{service-port}/docs
to check docs.
Puan DB provides a static type based schema for a database. This provides rubustness to your database where each insert/update/deletion is validated with the database schema.