A simple image hosting application for a local network. Built on ASP.Net 5 beta8.
Security isn't a goal of this project, in particular:
- there's no authentication,
- detailed server errors are reported.
DNVM, see http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/getting-started/installing-on-windows.html
- Publish the project. The result is in the path_to_artifacts\bin\bugur\Release\PublishOutput directory.
- Create the symbolic link:
mklink /D path_to_artifacts\bin\bugur\Release\PublishOutput\approot\src\bugur\wwwroot path_to_artifacts\bin\bugur\Release\PublishOutput\wwwroot
This is needed because appEnvironment.ApplicationBasePath is resolved differently when running from Visual Studio and as a published application.
- Install httpPlatformHandler.
- Create a site pointing to path_to_artifacts\bin\bugur\Release\PublishOutput\wwwroot
-- OR --
Command line
Run path_to_artifacts\bin\bugur\Release\PublishOutput\approot\web.cmd