OtrosVfsBrowser is a file browser for Apache Commons VFS version 2. It was created as alternative to VFS JFileChooser and Commons VFS - UI.
Project developed with IntelliJ IDEA
- Can be use as dialog or component
- User can enter URL like in HTTP browser
- Presenting VFSJFileChooser bookmarks
- Symbolic links are detected for SFTP
- Preview of file (first xx kB)
- Bookmarks are stored in properties provided by user. Bookmarks are specific for application.
- Can explore archives on local machine.
- SSH key authorization support (key have to without password)
- Asking user for credentials
- Credentials can be stored in file
- Show/hide hidden files
- File filtering based on name
List of supported VSF file system can be found on [Apache VFS page](http://commons.apache.org/vfs/filesystems.html http://commons.apache.org/vfs/filesystems.html)