This is a simple REST API application that use MongoDB as storage, for execute HTTP requests like.
- GET - Get all the users
- GET - Get a specific user using ID
- POST - Add a new user
- DELETE - Remove a user from the DB using the ID
- UPDATE- Update user data
- Expressjs as the http platform
- Winston for logging (Plugging Loggers)
- Dotenv for handling environments configuration
- Eslint (using Airbnb style guide)
- Recent Linux Distribution / OSX (Not tested in Windows)
- Node.js v12.11.0+
Clone the repository
npm install
npm start
The server listens in port 3000 but it can be configured in by the files in /envs
Logs are stored in ./logs if you want to see the output the logs rotate each day so you need to check the date and then can tail the correct file
NOTE: you can go to the ./envs directory and copy the settings from one of the files and create a new .env file in root and paste the configuraction, this is necessary for the application run.
NOTE: You have to options for mongoDB connection, the first one is install mongoDB locally, create an user and then use those credentials for the set the .env file for DB connection, or you can use the default that I set in the project that is hosted by AWS, in both cases that application should connect properly. The vairable for set this is DB_CONNECTION_TYPE and you can set "aws" for use mongoDB in AWS or "local" for a mongoDB installed locally
- Make a function for data validation (users)
- Include more coverage for testing (WIP)
- Osvaldo Vega
- Silvia Mata
Copyright (c) 2019 Osvaldo Vega, Silvia Mata - GPL 3.0