Tools for deploying a simple structured projects.
It connects to the remote via SSH protocol and allows to execute commands on the server and the local machine.
const { deploy } = require( '@oskarwrobel/deploy-tools' );
deploy( {
username: 'user-name',
host: 'host',
privateKey: 'private-key',
execute( local, remote ) {
// Start executing commands here.
// Command that will be executed on your local machine.
local( 'some command' );
// Command that will be executed on the server.
remote( 'some command' );
// Remote commands has some additional options:
remote( 'some command', { silent: true } ); // stduot will not be logged on the console.
remote( 'some command', { cwd: 'some/path/' } ); // Changes current working directory for the command execution.
} )
.then( () => {
console.log( 'Deployed.' );
} )
.catch( err => {
console.log( err );
} );
const { deploy } = require( '@oskarwrobel/deploy-tools' );
deploy( {
username: 'user-name',
host: 'host',
privateKey: 'private-key',
execute( local, remote ) {
// Build application locally.
local( 'npm run build' );
// Before copying files to the remote, make sure there is a proper directory structure.
'var/www/my-website'.split( '/' ).reduce( ( result, directory ) => {
result = path.join( result, directory );
remote( `mkdir ${ result }`, { silent: true, cwd: '/' } );
return result;
}, '' );
// Copy bundled files from your local machine to the server.
local( `rsync -a build/ user-name@host:/var/www/my-website/` );
// Execute some custom script on the server side after files has been deployed.
remote( 'sh', { cwd: '/var/www/my-website/' } );
} )
.then( () => {
console.log( 'Deployed.' );
} )
.catch( err => {
console.log( err );
} );