WebsocketDB is an easy-to-use alternative to the standard MySQL Workbench. This application works on any modern browser that supports web sockets, and was developed specifically for in-house use; however, that can easily be manipulated.
- Node express application
- front end is built with jQuery and bootstrap
- back end uses Socket.io
- for best performance use pm2.keymetrics.io to serve application as a service to your server
Current Functionality:
- log in as either a regular user(default) or as an admin which determines what you can do
- type in sql statements and get appropriate output using either JSON, pipe delimited text, or a table from the server
- as an admin you can edit tables using the user interface
- filter tables with a search
- export tables to excel
- monitor how many user(s) are logged on
- as an admin you can boot a user's connection(s) from the UI
- on the left-hand side you have a simple UI of all the tables in the current database (click to view)
- display an entire table from the UI (may be slow if table is significantly large)
WebsocketDB uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Socket.io - featuring the fastest and most reliable real-time engine
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework @tjholowaychuk
- jQuery - Making my life easier
- MySQL - :)
WebsocketDB requires Node.js v4+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd WebsocketDB
$ npm install -d
$ node app.js
For production environments...using pm2
$ pm2 start processes.json --env production //to start application on server
$ pm2 stop processes.json //to stop application on server
$ pm2 logs //to debug, see server console etc.
$ pm2 status //check basic app statistics run time, PID, up/down
- add click on table header sort ascending and descending functionality
- create running and stop admin functionality which makes the database unavailable (to all clients except admin(s))
- replace the IP's in admin functionality with client names if available
- save edits to local storage when down or up key is pressed, so that changes or discarded changes only occur when the user presses save/cancel (works with scroll bc query to server is not being made)
- sql error handling
- do not allow users to update, delete, or alter tables/db through sql statements
- optimize app speed for significantly large tables (look into nginx for caching, or other caching/local storage options)
- add a chat functionality, so that users can communicate with admin
Contact: Oscar Valdes [email protected]