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Example code used in the ScalaCheck cookbook deliverable.

All the code used in this document is currently available in the Innersource repository:

The code is structured in folders based on the same structure used throughout this document. Examples where Java and Scala code are mixed (scalacheck-basic, java-scalacheck, scalacheck-integration-junit) require Maven 2.x or 3.x to build and run. Pure Scala examples (scalacheck-integration-specs, scalacheck-integration-scalatest) require Simple Build Tool version 0.11 or greater.

There is no top-level project at the root folder above the sub-folders, so each project is an independent unit by itself.

This folder contains basic ScalaCheck examples, showing most of its basic features (basic property checks, data grouping, conditional properties).

In order to run, switch to the project�s subfolder and execute following command:

  mvn scala:run -Dlauncher=test
Integration of ScalaCheck property checks with Java code

In order to run, switch to the project�s subfolder and execute following command:

  mvn scala:run -Dlauncher=test
Examples of integration of ScalaTest with with ScalaCheck. Requires SBT.	

In order to run, switch to the project�s subfolder and execute following command:

  sbt reload test

Examples of integration of Specs with ScalaCheck. Requires SBT.	

In order to run, switch to the project�s subfolder and execute following command:

  sbt reload test

Examples of integration of ScalaCheck with JUnit, as well as JUnit support traits and a JUnit 4 runner for ScalaCheck tests written as Properties classes.

This example uses the Maven JUnit test runner (Surefire plugin) to run.	

In order to run, switch to the project�s subfolder and execute following command:

  mvn test

Code and ScalaCheck test cases that test Hadoop�s WordCount example.

In order to run, switch to the project�s subfolder and execute following command:

  mvn scala:run -Dlauncher=test


ScalaCheck examples






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