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This is the C++ library accompanying Polymake.jl. It implements the C++ interface from julia to polymake using CxxWrap.jl and libcxxwrap-julia.

For Polymake.jl versions before 0.5 this was included in Polymake.jl but since version 0.5 this library is installed as a separate artifact via libpolymake_julia_jll.


Compiling libpolymake-julia from source requires a C++17 enabled compiler, a libcxxwrap-julia installation and a polymake installation.

git clone
cmake -DJulia_PREFIX=/home/user/path/to/julia \
      -DPolymake_PREFIX=/home/user/path/to/polymake \
      -DJlCxx_DIR=/home/user/path/to/libcxxwrap-julia/lib/cmake/JlCxx \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/prefix/for/libpolymake-julia \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
      -S libpolymake-julia -B build
cmake --build build --config Release --target install -- -j${nproc}

Overriding the default artifacts for Polymake.jl

Put the following into ~/.julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml to replace the libpolymake-julia artifact:

libpolymake_julia = "/home/user/prefix/for/libpolymake-julia"

Overrides for polymake and libcxxwrap-julia with the directories used during the build need to be added as well, e.g.:

polymake = "/home/user/path/to/polymake"

libcxxwrap_julia = "/home/user/path/to/libcxxwrap-julia"

Convenience script

For convenience we provide test-prepare.jl script which can be used to compile and place overrides at once. First execute

julia --project=test/project test-prepare.jl --build

If the compilation succeeds and the displayed overrides seem correct run

julia --project=test/project test-prepare.jl --build --override

To ignore the current compat bounds for polymake_jll run

julia --project=test/project test-prepare.jl --build --override --ignore-compat

Wrapping a new type (TYPE)

In general you will need to complete the following steps:

  • In src/ add a new file type_TYPE.cpp
  • Setup your type in
  • Add your add_TYPE to both include/jlpolymake/type_modules.h and src/jlpolymake.cpp

Please use the existing types for a first reference on the exact details.