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os-virt edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 3 revisions


Server Package


  • edition: "rpi" for Raspberry Pi clients
  • version: current release
  • arch : server architecture: x86_64 or aarch64

Boot Package


This info was extract from /etc/os-release when build boot package. Uploader will check package matching also.

Install server

Linux Server

[~]# sh nboot-<edition>-<version>-<arch>-<buildno>.run

after install success, use nboot command to check status and run manager.

Command Description
nboot status check status
nboot start start server
nboot stop stop server
nboot manager run manager

Windows server

Windows server for testing purpose, Linux is recommended

extract .zip package and run nbsvc.exe

Hint: install & uninstall service require administrator privilege.

Initialization wizard

Login local server without password, or remote server with default password nboot

Select Path

Create or Open Disk Image

Config Auto-Add