Give it an array of paths to json files or objects. They will be deep-merged, left to right, using n-deep-merge. It does not mutate any given vars, instead returns a new object. Array merges have union semantics. Files not found are for now simply ignored. Comments are allowed in json files thanks to strip-json-comments.
var sg = require('sourcegate');
var merged = sg(['initialize.json', 'customize/config.json', {c: 3}])
If you are using this to write linter rules, and even if not, you should look into hal-rc or best beverage.
Sourcegate takes a second argument with the following default options:
root: process.cwd(),
relative: true,
merge: true,
write: {
path: '', // a file name or path is required to enable writing it
options: {},
root: process.cwd(), // optional
relative: true // optional
async: false // always the case so far...
If the root path is set, it can be relative (by default), or absolute.
Notice that merging is actually optional. That was added for the tests, though it could be useful elsewhere for simply loading files to memory.
The write
is optional, enabled by write.path
. The options
are handed to node.
The write.root
and write.relative
are same as the ones used for reading,
unless explicitly made different.
Some day there may be an async implementation. I so far use it only for workflow tasks, thus async hasn't been needed.
npm test
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